Status Report

Pre-Proposal Teleconference NASA Office of Education MUREP Advanced STEM Training and Research Fellowship

By SpaceRef Editor
March 26, 2015
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Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) 2014

NASA Office of Education (OE) MUREP

Advanced STEM Training and Research (ASTAR) Fellowship

Announcement No. NNH14ZHA001N-ASTAR


Pre-Proposal Teleconference


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

4:00 – 5:30 PM ET / 1:00 – 2:30 PM PT



NASA will conduct a Pre-proposal Adobe Connect/Teleconference to discuss NASA Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) Advanced STEM Training and Research (ASTAR) Fellowship. The call will be held on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 4:00 PM ET.


The purpose of these sessions is to provide prospective proposers an in-depth overview of the ASTAR opportunity and proposal requirements. Please visit the ASTA?R Fellowships in NSPIRES for details regarding this opportunity. ­­­


After the presentation, there will be a brief Q&A to provide real time answers to participant questions. In order to address as many participants as possible, we ask that your questions be clear and concise, and that you limit your questions to general topics only.


If, after the session and Q&A you still have a question that requires a detailed or proposal specific answer, please send your question to


Please note:

Please thoroughly review the solicitation on the ASTAR Fellowships in NSPIRES? prior to the teleconference and prepare any potential questions you may have. 

It is strongly suggested that you read through the FAQ document, found here prior to the teleconference. It is possible that your question(s) may have already been answered.

?Any changes regarding this workshop will be posted on the ASTAR Fellowships in NSPIRES. This is the only way to be notified of any updates, so it is very important that you check the webpage prior to the Adobe Connect/telecon.

The call will start on time, so everyone is encouraged to connect 10 minutes prior to the session to address any technical difficulties you may encounter. You might be prompted to install the Adobe Connect software before joining the online session-which should take less than 5 minutes. Instructions on how to connect to the teleconference are listed below.




Please connect to both the Adobe Connect and Teleconference.


If you have any accommodation needs, please contact  in advance.


CONNECT TO Adobe Connect (for slide presentation)


1.     Go to

2.     If requested, enter your name and enter the room.


Please check the technology Adobe Connect Technical Specs before the teleconference at After the presentation, prospective students may ask questions by typing them in to the chat room about the opportunity.




Call-in number:  toll free number: 888-957-9823 or toll number 1-312-470-0200


Participant passcode:  3835998


To participate in a meet-me call from an international location, call the following numbers for the countries listed, and enter the participant passcode



Canada, Montreal

+1 514 315 3158

Argentina (toll free)

0800 444 1927

Argentina, Buenos Aires

+54 11 5984 4013

Australia (toll free)

1 800 547 099

Australia, Melbourne

+61 (0) 3 8687 0530

Australia, Sydney

+61 (0) 2 8017 5280

Austria (toll free)

0800 006 089

Austria, Vienna

+43 (0) 1 25301 0163

Bahrain (toll free)

8000 4810

Bahrain, Manama

+973 1619 9393

Belgium (toll free)

0 800 39 666

Belgium (toll free)

0800 48 582

Belgium, Brussels

+32 (0) 2 789 2136

Brazil (toll free)

0 800 020 3462

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

+55 21 2730 0297

Brazil, Sao Paulo

+55 11 2730 0270

Bulgaria (toll free)

00 800 117 1178

Bulgaria, Sofia

+359 (0) 2 491 7541

Chile (toll free)

123 0020 9317

Chile, Santiago

+56 (0)2 2599 4722

China (national)

+400 613 8124

China, Beijing

+86 10 5904 5006

China, Shanghai

+86 21 2039 7100

Colombia (toll free)

01 800 518 1718

Colombia (toll free)

01 800 915 4543

Costa Rica (toll free)

0800 012 1749

Croatia (toll free)

0 800 223 177

Cyprus (toll free)

800 964 62

Czech Republic (toll free)

800 700 688

Czech Republic, Prague

+420 228 880 407

Denmark (toll free)

80 701 623

Denmark, Copenhagen

+45 32 71 16 43

Estonia (toll free)

800 011 1357

Estonia, Tallinn

+372 698 7468

Finland (toll free)

0 800 770 301

Finland, Helsinki

+358 (0) 9 2310 1517

France (national)

0811 655 211

France (toll free)

0 800 949 765

France (toll free)

0805 101 207

France, Paris

+33 (0) 1 70 37 14 61

Germany (national)

01801 003 798

Germany (toll free)

0 800 320 2291

Germany (toll free)

0800 589 1850

Germany, Frankfurt

+49 (0)69 66777 5747

Germany, Munich

+49 (0) 89 7104 24681

Greece (toll free)

00 800 128 520

Greece, Athens

+30 211 181 3804

Hong Kong

+852 3051 2722

Hong Kong (toll free)

800 905 926

Hungary (toll free)

06 800 192 87

Hungary, Budapest

+36 1 778 9163

Iceland (toll free)

800 9832

India (toll free)

1800 266 0338

India, Bangalore

+91 (0) 80 6127 5046

India, Mumbai

+91 (0)22 6187 5120

Indonesia (toll free)

001 803 0613 0832

Ireland (toll free)

1 800 937 935

Ireland, Dublin

+353 (0) 1 553 0144

Israel (toll free)

1 80 921 2892

Israel, Tel Aviv

+972 (0)3 763 0751

Italy (toll free)

800 977 597

Italy, Milan

+39 02 304 648 26

Italy, Rome

+39 06 452 366 22

Japan (toll free)

0066 3386 1015

Japan, Osaka

+81 (0) 6 4560 2100

Japan, Tokyo

+81 (0) 3 4560 1264

Latvia (toll free)

8000 3729

Latvia, Riga

+371 6778 2557

Lithuania (toll free)

8 800 3 12 76

Lithuania, Vilnius

+370 5205 5166


+352 2487 1404

Luxembourg (toll free)

800 2 4803

Malaysia (toll free)

1 800 815 669

Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur

+60 (0) 3 6207 4593

Mexico (toll free)

001 800 514 6337

Mexico, Mexico City

+52 55 1207 7361

Monaco (toll free)

800 93969

Netherlands (toll free)

0 800 020 6086

Netherlands, Amsterdam

+31 (0) 20 795 6099

New Zealand (toll free)

0 800 440 395

New Zealand, Auckland

+64 (0) 9 929 1767

Norway (toll free)

800 510 82

Norway, Oslo

+47 21 50 27 60

Panama (toll free)

00 800 226 6337

Panama, Panama City

+507 836 6164

Peru (toll free)

0800 54 817

Peru, Lima

+51 1 707 3823

Philippines (toll free)

1 800 111 012 31

Poland (toll free)

00 800 121 3996

Poland, Warsaw

+48 22 212 06 53

Portugal (toll free)

800 784 153

Portugal, Lisbon

+351 21 781 0274

Romania (toll free)

0 800 895 771

Romania, Bucharest

+40 (0) 21 539 8200

Russia (toll free)

810 800 2726 4011

Russia, Moscow

+7 495 213 17 62

Saudi Arabia (toll free)

800 844 8641


+65 6622 1897

Singapore (toll free)

800 616 3166

Slovakia (toll free)

0800 001 808

Slovakia, Bratislava

+421 (0)2 3345 6400

Slovenia (toll free)

0 800 80718

Slovenia, Ljubljana

+386 1 600 9385

South Africa (toll free)

0 800 983 694

South Africa, Johannesburg

+27 (0)11 019 7035

South Korea (toll free)

00798 6136 2179

South Korea, Seoul

+82 (0) 2 3483 1482

Spain (toll free)

800 600 280

Spain, Barcelona

+34 93 545 2569

Spain, Madrid

+34 91 769 9441

Sweden (toll free)

0200 883 437

Sweden, Stockholm

+46 (0) 8 5051 0006

Switzerland (toll free)

0 800 740 336

Switzerland (toll free)

0800 345 605

Switzerland, Geneva

+41 (0) 22 592 7960

Switzerland, Zurich

+41 (0) 43 456 9246

Taiwan (toll free)

00 801 615 164

Taiwan, Taipei

+886 (0) 2 2656 7287

Thailand (toll free)

001 800 6136 2180

UAE (toll free)

8000 3570 2601

UK (national)

0845 355 5040

UK (toll free)

0 800 358 8173

UK (toll free)

0800 279 4867

UK, Belfast

+44 (0) 28 9595 0018

UK, Edinburgh

+44 (0) 131 460 1115

UK, London

+44 (0) 20 7154 2976

UK, Reading

+44 (0) 11 8370 1114

Ukraine (toll free)

0800 500 253

Uruguay (toll free)

0004 019 0468

USA /Canada (toll free)


Venezuela (toll free)

0 800 102 9620

Vietnam (toll free)

12011 198

SpaceRef staff editor.