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Photos: Galveston – Day and Night – As Seen From Orbit

By SpaceRef Editor
February 14, 2011
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This image of Galveston, Texas and environs, including island, peninsular (Bolivar) and many mainland locations of Galveston County, was photographed from the International Space Station by one of the members of the Expedition 22 crew. The I-45 causeway is the thin line in the center of the photo. To the right of the causeway can be seen the Texas City Dike, which remains closed after being very severely damaged by Hurricane Ike as was nearly all this area in October of 2008. Texas City can be seen in the upper right portion of the photo. SS022-E-043894 (1 Feb. 2010) — high res (0.9 M) low res (53 K)

From 220 miles above Earth, one of the Expedition 26 crew members aboard the Earth-orbiting International Space Station recorded this night view of Galveston Island and the Texas City area. The east end of Galveston is the lighted area at center frame. The crew member used a digital still camera equipped with a 180-mm lens to record the image on Dec. 7, 2010. ISS026-E-008222 (7 Dec. 2010) — high res (1.5 M) low res (45 K)

SpaceRef staff editor.