Status Report

Photo: The Agean Sea At Night As Seen From Orbit

By SpaceRef Editor
January 31, 2011
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This night time view captured by one of the Expedition 24 crew members aboard the International Space Station some 220 miles above Earth is looking southward from central Romania over the Aegean Sea toward Greece and it includes Thessaloniki (near center), the larger bright mass of Athens (left center), and the Macedonian capital of Skopje (lower right). Center point coordinates of the area pictured are 46.4 degrees north latitude and 25.5 degrees east longitude. The picture was taken in August and was physically brought back to Earth on a disk with the return of the Expedition 25 crew in November 2010. ISS024-E-016042 (23 Aug. 2010) — high res (0.2 M) low res (78 K)

SpaceRef staff editor.