Status Report

Photo Report: Crew Makes Spacecraft Inspection

By SpaceRef Editor
April 5, 2007
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April 3, 2007. Baikonur Cosmodrome, RSC Energia’s branch

In the assembly-test facility the prime crew, namely F.N. Yurchikhin (S.P. Korolev RSC Energia), O.V. Kotov (Gagarin CTC), Ch. Simonyi (USA) and the backup crew R.Yu. Romanenko (Gagarin CTC), M.B. Kornienko (S.P. Korolev RSC Energia) of the Soyuz TMA-10 transport spacecraft made a check inspection of the spacecraft in the launch configuration and familiarized with the delivered and returned equipment. The cosmonauts also carried out an inspection of the Progress M-60 cargo vehicle, familiarized with controls. In the assembly-test facility the Progress M-60 vehicle prelaunch processing in being provided. The vehicle launch is planned for May 12, 2007. Upon the spacecraft inspection the crews reported N.N. Sevastianov RSC Energia General Designer that there are no comments with regard to the Soyuz TMA-10 transport spacecraft and about readiness for further operation.

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SpaceRef staff editor.