Status Report

Photo: Flooding in Brisbane, Australia As Seen From Orbit

By SpaceRef Editor
January 23, 2011
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Photographed by an Expedition 26 crew member on the International Space Station, this detailed photograph illustrates flooding in suburbs of the Brisbane, Australia metropolitan region. The Brisbane area experienced catastrophic flooding following unusually heavy rainfall on Jan. 10, 2011. With surficial soils already saturated from previous rainfall events, eastward-draining surface flow caused the Brisbane River to flood–inundating an estimated 20,000 homes in suburbs of the capital city of Queensland. Other cities in Queensland have also experienced damaging floods during previous heavy rainfall events this year.

The image highlights several suburbs along the Brisbane River in the southern part of the Brisbane metropolitan area. The light-colored rooftops of residences and other structures contrast sharply with green vegetation and brown, sediment laden floodwaters. Most visible low-lying areas are inundated by floodwater, perhaps the most striking being Rocklea at upper left. The suburb of Yeronga (lower left) also has evident regions of flooding, as does a park and golf course located along a bend in the Brisbane River to the south of St. Lucia (center). Flooding becomes less apparent near the higher elevations of Mt. Coot-Tha at right. ISS026-E-017421 (13 Jan. 2011) — high res (1.3 M) low res (87 K)

SpaceRef staff editor.