Status Report

Paleobiology During the Genomics Era; An Astrobiology All-access Event

By SpaceRef Editor
March 23, 2011
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May 12-13, 2011

A two-day workshop using NAI remote communications tools will be held on May 12th and 13th, 2011. Organized by Chris Dupont of the J. Craig Venter Institute, along with John Peters and Ariel Anbar, leaders of the Montana State University and Arizona State University NAI teams, respectively.

Anticipated presentation topics include:

* Spatial and temporal dynamics of ocean redox chemistry
* Molecular biomarkers: biological role and usage as a proxy
* The evolution of phytoplankton
* The last universal common ancestor
* Applications of synthetic biology in paleobiology
* Modern day analogs of ancient environments
* The evolution of metabolic pathways

The workshop will consist of talks and discussion. Each presentation will allow ample time for questions and answers afterwards. Although talks will be recorded and posted online at, we encourage researchers to attend in real time to engage in what we expect will be a lively exchange of ideas during the workshop.

While many of the speakers have been confirmed, time has been set aside for four to six shorter contributed talks. Travel and hotel costs will be covered for those giving contributed talks. In addition, it is anticipated that funds for several more travel grants will be available. If interested in attending or giving a contributed talk, please email Chris Dupont ( your contact information and an abstract or reason for attending. Selection of talks and travel grants will begin April 1st. Preference will be given to younger scientists.

Workshop Organizing Committee

* Chris Dupont, J. Craig Venter Institute
* Ariel Anbar, Arizona State University
* John Peters, Montana State University

For more information and participation instructions, visit:

Source: NAI Newsletter

SpaceRef staff editor.