Status Report

Opportunity for HLS2 Community: Solicitation for Membership on Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group

By SpaceRef Editor
April 7, 2022
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Hi everyone, 


We wanted to share an upcoming opportunity to participate on the Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group hosted by NASA and ESA. Members on the Science Group would help maximize the science potential of returned samples “by establishing the processes for sample related decision-making, and for establishing and maintaining the processes whereby the science community would be involved in returned sample science.”


The opportunity is open to any interested individuals. If you would like to apply please send a Notice of Intent by April 12, 2022 and an application letter by April 26, 2022 as PDFs to:


Additional details on the Science Group objectives and the application requirements can be found here:


Please also share this notice with others that would potentially be interested.

If you have any questions or need any additional information, just let us know.


Many thanks. 

All the best, 


Here’s a link to our website which has more information and resources on HLS2:


If you know anyone else who would like to be added to our distribution list have them contact us at:


SpaceRef staff editor.