Operations Data File Control Board Meeting #28 21 Sep 2000
Operations Data File Control Board Meeting #28
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 21 September 00
Richard Snyder, ODFCB Chair
Jack Compton, ODF Manager
Mike Hurt, SODF Manager/NASA Operations Representative
Jessica L. Hughlett, Medical Ops Mission Representative
Perry Bennett, Safety Representative
Oleg Besyakov, TTI Houston
Lisa Payne, Procedures Management Office
Brenda Tracy, Procedures Management Office
William Monell, Procedures Management Office
Attendees via telecon:
Alexei Reshetnikov RSC-E Representative
Mikael Wolff, ESA Representative
Rose Lindsey, PODFCB Representative
Mercedes Galloway, PODFCB Representative
Alain Ouellet, CSA Representative
Chris Lorenz, CSA Representative
Lawrence Vezina, CSA Representative
Kenji Shimogama, NASDA Representative
Takao Kajatani, NASDA Representative
Meeting Overview / Introduction
The twenty-eighth ODFCB meeting was held via telecon on 21 September 00 at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas. NASA/R. Snyder, Chairman, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and discussing the agenda for the meeting. The agenda and action items are available for view on the ODF Home Page.
Update SODFCB Charter (AI # 273)
NASA/M. Hurt presented the updated SODFCB Charter, with changes defined in Action Item # 273.
There was discussion relative to the change concerning the interface between the US SODFCB and IDAGS. ESA suggested adding specific statements about the boards responsibility relative to working with the IDAGS in assuring consistency in display and procedures standards, and in development and validation of procedures to assure consistency with the displays. Specific words were suggested that covered the development. ESA/M. Wolff and NASA/J. Compton accepted an action to develop a statement to add to the charter.
There was also discussion related to the Core and Ad Hoc board member list and Ad Hoc board member statement. It was noted that the ad hoc board members have the same rights and responsibilities as the core board members, except that they are not required to attend every meeting. They are only expected to attend when a topic is of interest to them. Board members agreed with the Ad Hoc Board Member statement, but suggestions were made to add specific members to the lists (e.g. add EVA & Robotics representative to the Core list and move Flight Design & Dynamics & Operations Safety Office to the ad hoc member list. The list will be updated prior to the charter being signed.
The ODFCB board members agreed to the recommended changes to the SODFCB charter. NASA/J. Compton will submit the updated charter under a CR. Some of the changes will also need to be made to other component board charters and to the ODFCB charter.
ODFCB Action Item # 273 (NASA/M. Hurt) – Propose update to SODFCB Charter.
Status: Closed
ODFCB Action Item #284 (ESA/M. Wolff & NASA/J. Compton) Provide a statement to add to the SODFCB charter that summarizes the boards responsibility relative to working with the IDAGS in assuring consistency in display and procedures standards, and in development and validation of procedures to assure consistency with the displays.
DUE: 19 Oct 00.
ODFCB Action Item #285 (NASA/J. Compton) Prepare and submit an update to the ODFCB Charter to reflect the boards responsibility to: [1] ensure implementation of all procedures controls identified by the Safety Review Panel and [2] to work with IDAGS to assure consistency in display and procedures standards, and in development and validation of procedures to assure consistency with the displays.
DUE: 19 Oct 00.
ODFCB Action Item #286 (All ODFCB board members) Update componenet board charters to include changes, as agreed to in the SODFCB Charter update. This includes adding statements relative to: [1] interface with IDAGS; [2] implementation of procedures controls and [3] Ad Hoc Board Members..
DUE: 12 Jan 01.
ESA ODF Management Plan Overview
ESA is still working on developing an integrated ODF and display responsibilities into a single charter. They requested an indefinite deferral of the topic.
ISS Integrated Crew Support (AI # 262)
CB/R. Walheim was not available for the topic.
Crew Positions in OpNom (AI # 269)
This item was not discussed; however, the US PODF representative requested that the issue be resolved as soon as possible. They are developing procedures and timelines where the crew titles are needed.
Hierarchy Working Group Status
NASA/J. Compton discussed the Hierarchy Working Group (HWG) status.
The HWG had recently conducted a meeting via telecon. The telecon was attended by CSA, ESA, Payloads, Crew Office, IDAGS, Imagery, and Training. The Emphasis of the meeting was a hierarchy numbering scheme. NASA/R. Davis (Training), presented a proposed scheme based on the numbering scheme currently baselined in the OpNom. The proposed scheme is three tiered, Hierarchy number, a category number, and an inventory number. The Payload Group does not think their hierarchy needs to go below the system level. A review of their proposal will be conducted when it is submitted. Scheme development will continue; however, the scheme is primarily for administrative functions and it was felt that it should not be mandatory for use on operations products.
Since hierarchy affects all ops products, a request to include ad hoc members from the JOP, ExPCP, and Medical organizations was proposed. Hierarchy for Medical (IMG) and EVA Groups were submitted for comments. Transfer Vehicle Group hierarchy is almost complete and will be distributed for review when received.
Conclusion: By October or November, a CR will be submitted to update the ODF Management Plan.
It was noted that hierarchy data is now on the ODF Management web page. And the next HWG meeting will be held via telecon on October 12.
Mass Storage Device
NASA/M. Hurt discussed the status of the Mass Storage Device.
The Requirements Integration Panel (RIP), chaired by OC/K. Leary, in the manifest office has disapproved flying the Mass Storage Device on 5A. They recommend the procedures fly on paper. This issue needs to be resolved ASAP in order to assure the mass storage is available for Increment 2. Therefore, an action was accepted by NASA/M. Hurt to resolve the issue, either with Ms. Leary or with the MIOCB chair/J. VanLaak.
ODFCB Action Item #287 (NASA/M. Hurt) Discuss issue of flying the Mass Storage Device with the Requirements Integration Panel (RIP) chair/K. Leary and MIOCB Chair/J. VanLaak, as required, to assure the device is available for Increment 2.
DUE: 19 Oct 00.
OpNom Waivers
NASA/R. Snyder discussed OpNom Waivers. During the last ODFCB meeting, there was not consensus concerning the OpNom Waiver philosophy. Two (2) different waivers were discussed.
The first led to the following concern — if waivers are automatically given (grandfather clause) when hardware and software has already been built, then the waivers may get out of hand. In some cases, the grandfathered terminology may not be acceptable. An additional concern is that in other cases, the payload customer may take undo advantage of the grandfather clause and intentionally not submit the OpNom request until after the hardware & software are developed. Mr. Snyder discussed these concerns with the Payload Control Panel (PCB) chair/R. Nygren. Mr. Nygren assured Mr. Snyder that the POIC was assuring that the second concern did not occur. And this is supported by the current efforts of MSFC to "catch up" with payloads OpNom. Relative to the first concern, Mr. Nygren has tasked NASA/D. Sanders with defining criteria for when the grandfather clause would not be accepted. As examples, if the term were a safety concern, it would have to be changed, regardless of the cost to correct it.
The second waiver concerned labeling of a Y-cable. This cable is a permanent rack connected dangle cable. The only expected crew interface is with plugging the two exposed connectors to pieces of equipment. It was decided to add "cable labels" to the two exposed cable ends.
ODFCB Action Item #288 (NASA/D. Sanders) Identify criteria for when the grandfather clause should not be allowed for OpNom.
DUE: 19 Oct 00.
3A ODF Status
NASA/M. Hurt presented the 3A ODF Status. All SODF will be available for crew review on September 22. Issues concerning CMG procedures and emergency procedures are still being worked. And preparations have been made for shipping the RODF to Houston during the week of 25 Sep. The books will be shipped to the launch site on 29 Sep.
Expedition 1 (4A, 5A) ODF Status
NASA/M. Hurt presented the Expedition 1 ODF Status. SODF has been prepared for the 2R 4A time frame. Six (6) of the eight (8) books have been hand-carried to Russia for a crew review. They will be returned to Houston and shipped to the launch site for launch on 3A.
Expedition 2 (5A.1, 6A) ODF Status
NASA/M. Hurt presented the Expedition 2 ODF Status. Procedures that are required to meet training needs are being identified. The Expedition 2 crew will be arriving in Houston shortly for training.
CR Status
CR Status – ODF Management Plan
NASA/J. Compton presented the CR status for the ODF Management Plan.
- U10, U20A, U21A, U22A, U25, U26, U27A area awaiting RSA evaluation.
- U42A is awaiting Crew and RSA evaluation.
- U46 is, awaiting NASDA & RSA evaluation.
- U47 is awaiting Crew, & RSA evaluation.
- U24A, U38, U39, U40 need to be updated.
- U28 is on hold.
The following CRs will be written:
- CRs are required to add RSA and CSA charters.
- CR to define implementation plan for new standards or policies (AI 237).
- CR to define manual procedure (AI272)
- CR to define criteria for determining impact procedures (AI277)
- CR to revise the process flows for the Emergency book and Multi-Element procedures (U38 & 39)
- CR to add TORU book to the ODF Structure
CR Status – Op Nom
NASA/L. Payne presented the CR status for the OpNom.
The OpNom document is being updated with the approved CRs. OpNom. Open CR status is as follows:
- Annex U6B needs to be updated per ODFCB #25.
- Annex U4A need CSA & RSA evaluation.
- U6 need CSA evaluation.
- U9C need crew, NASDA & RSA evaluation.
- U11, U12, U14 need crew evaluation.
- Annex U15 need drew & SODF evaluations.
- Annex U29 need crew, safety & SODF evaluations.
CR Status – Standards
NASA/M. Hurt presented the Standards CR status. There are currently four open CRs. Their status is as follows:
- U8, U18A need RSA evaluation.
- U12 — need evaluations from SODF, NASDA, RSA & crew.
- U14 — need SWG discussion of proposed modification.
In Conclusion: the Chair stated that the CRs that have been open for a long time will be scheduled for upcoming ODFCB meetings for closure. Unless specific objections are raised that cannot be resolved during the meetings, the CRs will be given final disposition.
Closing Statement
The next face-to-face ODFCB meeting will be at KSC and is scheduled for January 11th & 12th (splinter meetings) and January 15th thru 19th(ODFCB). The 5A launch is scheduled for January 18. Arrangements were made for a tour of the launch pad and viewing of the launch. Hotel reservations need to be made early before the launch. The Chair agreed to coordinate the meeting date with the IDAGS Chair/A. Pennington. This is because the IDAGS is expected to have a meeting in January and some ODFCB board members support both meetings.
The next ODFCB is currently scheduled for 19 Oct 00 via telecon. The meeting was adjourned.