Open Access npj Microgravity journal now available
Dear Microgravity Researchers:
We are excited to announce the official content launch of npj Microgravity. npj Microgravity is a new open access, online-only, peer-reviewed journal, highlighting important scientific advances in the life sciences, physical sciences and engineering fields that are facilitated by spaceflight and spaceflight analogue platforms.
You are strongly encouraged to consider submitting an article and help us make this one of the preeminent microgravity journals. To help enable a broader participation in the near term, the article processing charge fees will be waived for invited and/or accepted original research articles. We want to emphasize quality submissions and encourage you to submit your articles as soon as possible. See the following link for more information on submitting an article:
Here are links to the first four articles and a ‘Welcome Message’ from the Editor-in-Chief, Cheryl Nickerson. You will note the Featured Article, “Skin physiology in microgravity: a 3-month stay aboard ISS” is accompanied by an Editorial Summary, created with a lay audience in mind. You will also find a fantastic review article, “The economics of microgravity research”, by Jeanne DiFrancesco and John Olson. Jeanne has been a tremendous advocate for the Journal since it was first announced and we are grateful for her support. Our Associate Editor, Douglas C. Hofmann has teamed with Scott N. Roberts on the review article, “Microgravity metal processing: from undercooled liquids to bulk metallic glasses” and you will also find a brief communication entitled, “How antifoams act: a microgravity study”.