NRC Executive Office Approved Names for Inner Planets, Mars, Primitive Bodies and Satellites panels of the Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey
From: Smith, David
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:59 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to announce that the NRC’s Executive Office has approved the nominations of the individuals listed below to serve on the Inner Planets, Mars, Primitive Bodies and Satellites panels of the Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey. Membership of the Giant Planets Panel will be announced later. The individuals concerned will receive appointment paperwork and logistical information concerning their respective panel meetings in August and September in the near future. A complete list of scheduled meeting dates is given below.
Best wishes,
David H. Smith
1. Ellen Stofan, Proxemy Research
Vice chair
2. Steve Mackwell, Lunar and Planetary Institute
3. Ayana Howard, Georgia Institute of Technology
4. Douglas Stetson, Space Science and Exploration Consulting Group
5. Barbara Cohen, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
6. Martha Gilmore, Wesleyan University
7. Alan Treiman, Lunar and Planetary Institute
8. Steven Hauck, Case Western Reserve University
9. Charles Shearer, University of New Mexico
10. Edward Stolper, California Institute of Technology
11. Lori Glaze, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
12. David Grinspoon, Denver Museum of Nature and Science
1. Phil Christensen, Arizona State University
Vice chair
2. Wendy Calvin, University of Nevada, Reno
3. Bobby Braun, Georgian Institute of Technology
4. Glen Cunningham, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, retired
5. Raymond Arvidson, Washington University, St. Louis
6. John Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology
7. Linda Elkins-Tanton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
8. Penny King, University of New Mexico
9. Francois Forget, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
10. Paul Mahaffy, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
11. David Des Marais, NASA Ames Research Center
12. Lisa Pratt, University of Indiana
1. John Spencer, South West Research Institute, Boulder
Vice chair
2. David Stevenson, California Institute of Technology
3. Glen Fountain, Applied Physics Laboratory
4. Tom Spilker, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
5. Louise Prockter, Applied Physics Laboratory
6 Elizabeth Turtle, Applied Physics Laboratory
7. Francis Nimmo, University of California, Santa Cruz
8. Jerry Schubert, University of California, Los Angeles
9. Krishan Khurana, University of California, Los Angeles
10. Hunter Waite, South West Research Institute, San Antonio
11. Caitlin Griffith, University of Arizona
12. Chris McKay, NASA Ames Research Center
1. Joseph Veverka, Cornell University
Vice chair
2. Harry Y. McSween, University of Tennessee, vice chair
3. Marc Rayman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4. Edward Reynolds, Applied Physics Laboratory
5. Jessica Sunshine, University of Maryland
6. Eric Asphaug, University of California, Santa Cruz
7. Timothy McCoy, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
8. Mark Sephton, Imperial College
9. Faith Vilas, Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory
10. Donald Brownlee, University of Washington
11. Marc Buie, South West Research Institute, Boulder
12. Michael Brown, California Institute of Technology
Steering Group Meeting 1 6-8 July National Academies’ Keck Center Washington, D.C.
Satellites Panel Meeting 1 24-26 August National Academy of Sciences Washington, D.C.
Giant Planets Panel Meeting 1 24-26 August National Academy of Sciences Washington, D.C.
Inner Planets Panel Meeting 1 26-28 August National Academy of Sciences Washington, D.C.
Primitive Bodies Panel Meeting 1 9-11 September National Academy of Sciences Washington, D.C.
Mars Panel Meeting 1 9-11 September Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona
Satellites Panel Meeting 2 21-23 September National Academies’ Beckman Center Irvine, California
Inner Planets Meeting 2 26-28 October National Academies’ Beckman Center Irvine, California
Giant Planets Panel Meeting 2 26-28 October National Academies’ Beckman Center Irvine, California
Primitive Bodies Panel Meeting 2 28-30 October National Academies’ Beckman Center Irvine, California
Mars Panel Meeting 2 4-6 November California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California
Steering Group Meeting 2 16-18 November National Academies’ Beckman Center Irvine, California
Steering Group Meeting 3 22-24 February Location to be determined Arizona or California
Giant Planets Panel Meeting 3 4-6 May Location to be determined Massachusetts
Primitive Bodies Panel Meeting 3 To be determined
Mars Panel Meeting 3 To be determined
Satellites Panel Meeting 3 To be determined
Inner Planets Meeting 3 To be determined
Steering Group Meeting 4 25-27 May Location to be determined Washington, D.C.