Notice of Availability for Information Seeking Potential Industry Interest and Uses for Some NASA Kennedy Space Center Facilities

Synopsis – Jan 24, 2011
General Information
Solicitation Number: N/A
Reference Number: NOA-RFI-OP-OS11-01
Posted Date: Jan 24, 2011
FedBizOpps Posted Date: Jan 24, 2011
Recovery and Reinvestment Act Action: No
Original Response Date: Feb 24, 2011
Current Response Date: Feb 24, 2011
Classification Code: X — Lease or rental of facilities
NAICS Code: 336414 – Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing
Contracting Office Address
NASA/John F. Kennedy Space Center, Procurement, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is seeking to identify potential industry interest in, and proposed uses for some, agency real property assets located at KSC in Florida. This announcement describes NASA assets that are currently or will soon become underutilized as a result of the transition from the Space Shuttle Program (SSP) to the future mission activities authorized by Congress in the NASA Authorization Act of 2010.
KSC also seeks through this announcement to ensure broad awareness and visibility of the anticipated opportunities for Public-Private and Public-Public Ventures (PPV) between NASA and industry or non-federal public entities. Such ventures are defined as partnering tools in NASA’s Real Property Management Program to leverage underutilized Agency real property to maximize utilization and efficiency. NASA may use a PPV to grant a partner an interest in real property for a specified term through an instrument such as a lease, a use permit, or other form of legal agreement authorized by the NASA Space Act of 1958 and the Commercial Space Launch Act. In addition to PPV agreements, NASA may pursue other approaches, as described in this announcement, to enable others to use facilities for which KSC has a current or future need to support NASA’s mission.
It is NASA’s intent to ensure fairness to all parties and to ensure best value to the Government in granting use of NASA facilities in a manner that optimizes its support for the agency’s missions and objectives, and the U.S. national space policy.
To meet these purposes, NASA requests written responses to this announcement to assist KSC to achieve the following objectives:
1. Identify and document specific interest from industry and non-federal public entities in pursuing a real estate agreement with NASA for use of KSC facilities identified in this announcement. 2. Assess the extent of overall interest by industry and non-federal public entities in using underutilized NASA assets on KSC to engage in activities supportive of NASA’s missions and purpose. 3. Provide data to support KSC’s planning for federal spaceport infrastructure and facility utilization. 4. Enable determination of how underutilized capacity at KSC may be made available in a fair and responsive fashion to industry and/or non-federal public entities to advance agency and national objectives.
KSC is continuing to assess and identify, in cooperation with the cognizant NASA program offices and mission directorates, which KSC assets are required to meet existing and future agency requirements. Therefore, facilities identified in this announcement that are anticipated to be partially or fully available for other users may subsequently be deemed by NASA as unavailable due to the agency’s own facility needs.
The Government will apply selection criteria and make facilities and other assets available only if deemed in the Government’s best interests. NASA reserves the right to proceed with development and negotiation of one or more proposed PPVs or other partnering and facility utilization agreements with respondents to this announcement, without further notice, if it determines that it has met the purposes, intent, and objectives identified in this announcement.
NASA is not precluded from entering into real estate agreements with other federal entities for use of KSC facilities identified in this Notice of Availability regardless of expressions of interest and proposed use that may be received from industry or non-federal public entities pursuant to this announcement.
NASA will be under no obligation to proceed with any PPVs or any other partnering arrangements with regard to the anticipated availability of underutilized facilities at KSC.
In lieu of using a PPV to grant a partner a real property interest through a lease or other instrument, NASA may employ Space Act authorities to allow use of facilities for specified purposes without granting the user any real property interest. For example, KSC may take such an approach on a facility operated by KSC for both NASA and non-NASA users on a regular basis.
If NASA determines that a facility is going to become idle with no known current or future NASA mission support requirement, but still of value in support of NASA’s purpose and national space policy if used by others, NASA may decide to divest the agency of the asset by transfer to another federal agency, or to others through established real property disposition processes administered by the General Services Administration (GSA).
As directed by Congress, NASA will retire the Space Shuttle Program in FY 2011 after 30 years of operation. The NASA Authorization Act of 2010 directs that NASA proceed with development of a new Space Launch System that can access cis-lunar space and the regions of space beyond low-Earth orbit.
The NASA Administrator is further directed to carry out a program to prepare infrastructure at KSC for this transition, to enhance the overall capabilities of the Center, and reduce the long term cost of operations and maintenance while taking measures to provide multi-vehicle support, improvements in payload processing, and partnering at KSC. The Act also restated the commitment by Congress to the development of commercially-developed launch and delivery systems to the International Space Station for crew and cargo missions.
NASA is challenged as a key element of this transition to re-scope and, as appropriate, “down size” its infrastructure and facilities foot print to most efficiently support the missions within expected funding levels. KSC capabilities and assets that will become idle or underutilized for near-term NASA requirements, may be re-purposed and used by the commercial space industry and others in direct support of NASA’s mission and purpose.
KSC seeks to strategically identify, develop, and align the Center’s distinctive space transportation assets and capabilities with other government and commercial space markets. KSC seeks to expand partnerships, customer base, and regional economic opportunities consistent with the NASA mission. KSC wishes to promote and enable the widest and fullest utilization of KSC assets and facilities to advance the nation’s goals for space exploration and development and maximize the nation’s investment in the federal spaceport. These efforts are targeted to enhance space launch and processing infrastructure and capabilities available to both the commercial and government launch and space services industry.
For the facilities identified in this announcement, NASA intends to give priority consideration to prospective uses and users for available facilities which align with the following:
* Entities which operate or directly support space launch or space user missions for the U.S. Government at Kennedy Space Center or Cape Canaveral Air Force Station;
* Entities which operate or directly support commercial space launch or commercial space user missions, whether or not the U.S. Government is a customer NASA will consider other technical, operationally-compatible uses and users which are determined to directly or indirectly support its missions and purposes if underutilized capacity remains available.
For the facilities identified in this announcement, that may be available for potential PPVs or other partnering arrangements, NASA will not at this time consider responses that:
* Fail to show any relevance to NASA’s mission or purpose and U.S. Government interests, or fail to demonstrate a need for use of the requested KSC asset that cannot be met more appropriately at other locations outside the restricted area or off Center;
* Are deemed incompatible with the current KSC Master Plan, land use policies, environmental conditions, or pose a negative impact on NASA’s mission;
* Request any proposed transfer of title to land, proposed residential uses, or proposed operation of commercial agricultural uses;
NASA reserves the right to apply criteria for assessing the “best fit” for alternative uses and users which may be considered for the facilities identified in this announcement. Such criteria may include, but not be limited to:
* The extent of alignment with NASA’s mission, purpose, and the long term development objectives and plans for the Kennedy Space Center as a multi-user spaceport;
* Benefits to KSC, NASA, and other U.S. Government interests;
* The alignment of the proposed use and occupancy need dates with the facility’s intended purpose, configuration, and availability dates;
* An assessment of the financial capability of the proposed user, as well as the prospects for programmatic funding for the activity (whether serving a government or commercial customer base);
* An assessment of the environmental, safety, and security impacts of the proposed use and user;
* Potential for and degree of expected positive contribution to sustainment of KSC’s technical workforce;
* Risks to KSC, NASA, and other U.S. Government interests.
This announcement does not preclude the Government’s option to dispose of one or more of the identified facilities should it determine that there is no current or future need related to a NASA mission or purpose, and that it is in the Government’s best interest to dispose of the facility rather than to retain it. Such disposal may include, but not be limited to:
* Declaring facility improvements excess to the Government’s needs and disposing in accordance with the established processes of the General Services Administration (GSA);
* Deconstruction of the facility to enable re-development of the site at some future date;
* Abandonment in place.
This notice encompasses only the facilities as described in the following categories and listing. All of these assets are located within the secured and restricted-access area of KSC, generally referred to as “inside the gates.” Support facilities such as office/administrative space and warehousing/logistics space existing as a portion of an operational/processing facility or in separate buildings in close proximity to an operational/processing facility, are considered ancillary uses required to support other user operations or business at the spaceport. Priority consideration for such office/administrative space or warehousing/logistics space will be as identified in association with the priority activities referenced above, in lieu of standalone uses unassociated with other spaceport operational activities.
Launch Complex 39A – This launch complex was constructed for the Apollo Program and modified for the Space Shuttle Program. The complex includes the launch pad, various fluids and gases systems including dewars for Liquid Hydrogen and Liquid Oxygen and the fixed and rotating service structures for the Space Shuttle.
Launch Complex 39B – This launch complex was constructed for the Apollo Program and modified for the Space Shuttle Program. The complex includes the launch pad, various fluids and gases systems including dewars for Liquid Hydrogen and Liquid Oxygen and standalone lightning protection towers. Use of this facility will likely be on a shared basis with other users.
Vehicle Assembly Building – This facility was constructed for the Apollo Program and modified for the Space Shuttle Program. It contains four high bays, some of which may be made available to non-NASA users for launch vehicle processing and preparation. Use of this facility will likely be on a shared basis with other users.
Launch Control Center (LCC) – This facility was built to support the Apollo Program and was then modified to support the Space Shuttle Program. It contains four “firing” rooms, engineering support areas and administrative offices. The firing rooms, which are essentially control rooms, contain numerous enclosures, computing hardware, software (e.g. operating systems, command/control applications, displays, operating systems, databases), networks, communications equipment, configuration management, information technology security, and other ancillary tools and engineering processes in support of existing and future spacecraft processing and launch.
Orbiter Processing Facilities 1 and 2 – These buildings were constructed for processing of the Space Shuttle Orbiter vehicles. Each one contains a control room for vehicle Environmental Control Systems, high bay and the ability to process hazardous fluids and gases.
Orbiter Processing Facility 3 – This facility was constructed for processing the Space Shuttle Orbiter vehicle. It contains one high bay and a control room for vehicle Environmental Control Systems. Adjacent to the high bay within the building is an area for engine processing known as the Space Shuttle Main Engine Shop.
Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) – The SLF is a single, 15,000 ft concrete runway that is oriented to the southeast and northwest with runways designated 15 and 33 on the approach compass. Uses for horizontal launch and recovery, other space related testing and operations, and supporting compatible or special-purpose aviation operations can be negotiated on an as available basis. While the SLF will be available to multiple users, several associated support facilities and adjacent sites may be made available for qualified users as dedicated assets.
Solid Rocket Booster Assembly and Refurbishment Facility (SRB-ARF) – This facility was constructed to support the Space Shuttle Program. It contains high bays and control rooms for the processing of unfueled solid rocket booster segments. It also contains connected office space for administrative personnel and an area for testing of hydrazine powered devices.
Processing Control Center – This facility was constructed to support off-line testing operations for the Space Shuttle Program. It is three stories tall, contains rooms with raised flooring to support computer systems as well as administrative space.
Rotation Processing and Surge Facility (RPSF) – This complex of three buildings was constructed to support the Space Shuttle Program. The main facility contains an overhead crane for the rotation of fueled solid rocket booster segments while the two other buildings provide for storage of solid rocket booster segments. Space Station Processing Facility (SSPF) – This facility was constructed to support the Space Station Program. The facility contains high, intermediate, and low bays, laboratory space including command and control test-beds to support off-line testing operations and administrative areas.
Hypergolic Maintenance Facility (HMF) – This facility contains several buildings in the KSC Industrial Area. They include hazardous explosion-rated processing buildings, storage areas, waste staging and hypergol support buildings and associated engineering control rooms.
Canister Rotation Facility (CRF) -This facility was built to support the operations and maintenance associated with the canisters used to transport payloads to and from the Space Shuttle processing areas. It contains a high bay with 100-ton bridge crane and a low bay that housed the Canister Transporter.
Thermal Protection System Facility (TPSF) – This facility was constructed to support the Space Shuttle Program. The thermal protection system or Shuttle tiles, are manufactured and repaired in this facility. This facility will likely be made available to multiple users as a provided service.
Parachute Processing Facility (PPF) – This facility provides for the cleaning (washing) of parachutes from Space Shuttle missions in an outside wash rack and for the repair of these parachutes within several rooms.
Multi-Payload Processing Facility (MPPF) – This facility contains three major structures, the main building itself which contains a high bay, a low bay, an equipment airlock and two control centers. There is a communications room connected to the high bay and an annex area with administrative offices.
Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility (PHSF) – This facility has three main structures: the high bay, in which hazardous operations may occur, a support building which contains control rooms and a transporter storage building. This facility will likely be available for operations to multiple users on a shared basis during specific intervals when not required for planetary mission processing. There are known periods of mandatory Government use between 2011 and 2015 and additional periods may be identified at a later date.
Merritt Island Launch Area (MILA) – This complex of facilities was developed to house telemetry tracking equipment and antennas. It contains several buildings including control rooms, administrative and conference rooms and support buildings. The area also contains several large tracking antennas.
Far Field Antenna Testing Range – The Far Field Antenna Testing Range, located in the Northeast area of the HMF of KSC, is certified to test antennas from 100 MHz to 18 GHz. It can test a variety of antenna types, which include Parabolic, Dipole, Strip-line, Quad Ridged Horn, Mono-pulse Phased, etc. The range is a variable distance/height testing facility, and can test antennas up to 450 pounds using traditional methods integrated with an advance computer measurement system. The range was first used during the Gemini and Apollo Programs, after which, the building was left unattended. In 1992, the building was retested and reopened in 1993. The facility has been used to test Shuttle antennas, such as the S-Band Quads, Heim-GPS, TACAN L-Band, MSBLS, Radar Altimeter, EVA Airlock, and Payload Bay UHF Antennas. This facility has also been used to test non-Shuttle antennas such as the Dipole Telemetry and GPS Positioning Antennas for the B1-B Strategic Bomber, Commercial Phased Array Antenna Systems for E-Systems, and Multi-Band Multi-Antenna Array for Advanced Systems Development. As of 2011, all positioning and test equipment is fully functional and calibrated.
Additional Non-Real Property Assets: These assets, while not real property, may also be made available to qualified users on a dedicated basis. They are included here for completeness and to provide potential users the opportunity to notify NASA of their interest in these assets.
Mobile Launch Platforms (MLP’s) 1, 2 and 3 – These structures were constructed for the Apollo Program and modified for the Space Shuttle Program. They are used for the assembly and launch operations of vertical launch vehicles. They may be made available to individual users for dedicated launch systems or to multiple users.
Mobile Launcher (ML) – This structure was constructed for the Constellation Program for assembly and launch operations of the Ares 1 vehicle. This structure may be made available to individual users for dedicated launch systems or for multiple users.
For additional information on these facilities and assets, please go to and go to the link “Kennedy Space Center Resources Encyclopedia under “What’s New.”
No solicitation exists; therefore, do not request a copy of the solicitation. The purpose of this NOA/RFI is to determine industry’s level of interest in quantity and type of facilities. Additional information, if forthcoming, will be synopsized in the NASA Acquisition Internet Service (NAIS) and FedBizOps. It is the responsibility of potential users to monitor NAIS for the release of any additional information or synopsis. This NOA/RFI is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government nor will the Government pay for any information solicited. Since this is a NOA/RFI, no evaluation letters and/or results will be issued to the respondents. Instructions for Responses: Potential users interested in the described KSC assets shall submit statements of interest electronically, via e-mail, to the primary Point of Contact (POC) listed below. The statement of interest shall consist of a one page summary and additional pages of supporting detail as needed. Responses shall contain a minimum font size of 12. To facilitate a prompt review, the one-page summary shall clearly identify facility needs and planned utilization of assets. The one page summary shall include: (1) Company information. Specify organization name, address, primary POC and telephone number, business size and type, and product or service line. (2) Assets. Identify the specific asset requirements and their proposed use. (3) Timetable. Identify when the assets are needed for the proposed use and for what duration. Please note that if you have previously responded to a NASA RFI or submitted a written request for the use of any of the KSC facilities or assets listed in this NOA/RFI, you must provide a response to this NOA/RFI that reaffirms your interest. Include in your response a reference to your previous written response to a NASA announcement, or original written request without repeating it in its entirety. Responses are required no later than February 24, 2011. Information received after this date will only be considered if deemed in the Government’s best interest. Please reference this NOA/RFI in any response. Respondents are cautioned to mark any information confidential if it is to be treated as proprietary. All electronic responses should be sent to the POC, identified below, with the message line “Response to KSC Notice of Availability dated January 24, 2011.” Any questions you may have are to be submitted in writing, via email, to the POC listed below. Point of Contact:
James Ball
Point of Contact
Name: Marco Pochy
Title: Contracting Officer
Phone: 321-867-8567
Fax: 321-867-1188