Status Report

NOAA SEC Space Weather Outlook #03- 22

By SpaceRef Editor
June 3, 2003
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Official Space Weather Advisory issued by NOAA Space Environment Center Boulder, Colorado, USA


2003 June 03 at 02:27 p.m. MDT (2003 June 03 2027 UTC)


Summary For May 26-June 1

Space weather reached severe levels last week. A category G4 (severe)
geomagnetic storm began on May 29th and lasted through May 30th. The
source of the storm was a powerful solar flare that produced a strong
(R3) radio blackout very early on 28 May. This powerful event was
preceded by another R3 event just one hour earlier. An S1 radiation
storm, associated with these flares occurred late on the 28th. Another
R3 event occurred on 29 May, and an R2 event was observed on 31 May.
An S1 event followed the R2 event on 31 May. A very large and complex
sunspot group on the sun was responsible for all this activity.

Category G2 (moderate) geomagnetic storm occurred on May 28th due to
high speed solar wind from a coronal hole on the sun. Often times
geomagnetic storming results when high speed solar winds interact with
Earth-s magnetic field. For a list of adverse system effects related
to space weather storms, please refer to the NOAA Space Weather

Outlook For June 4-10

Space weather for the next week is expected to be at minor levels.
Category G1 geomagnetic storms are expected early in the week due to
coronal hole rotating into a favorable position for interacting with
Earth. Category R1 (minor) radio blackouts are possible early in the
week due to an active sunspot region on the sun.

Data used to provide space weather services are contributed by NOAA,
USAF, NASA, NSF, USGS, the International Space Environment Services
and other observatories, universities, and institutions. For more
information, including email services, see SEC’s Space Weather
Advisories Web site or (303) 497-5127.
The NOAA Public Affairs contact is Barbara McGehan at or (303) 497-6288.

SpaceRef staff editor.