Status Report

NOAA SEC Solar Coronal Disturbance Report 27 Nov 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
November 27, 2000
Filed under ,
:Product: Solar Coronal Disturbance Report
:Issued: 2000 Nov 27 0210 UT
# Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,
# Space Environment Center and the U.S. Air Force.
Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Coronal Disturbance Report
SCDR Number 332 Issued at 0200Z on 27 Nov 2000
Report compiled from data received at SWO on 26 Nov 2000
Part I. Possible Coronal Mass Ejection Events
           UT Time                 Optical         Xray    Radio
 Begin        Max      End     Location   Type   Size  Dur  II IV
26/ 0619     0846     1030                 Lde   C3.6  104        
25/A2034     0000 26/B1137      S26W44     Dsf                   
26/A1618     0000    B1636      N22W40     Dsf                   
26/ 1655     0000     1701      N18W38     Rsp   X4.0  8   2   
Part II.  Inferred Coronal Holes. Locations Valid at 26/2400Z
IIA.  Polar Holes  CMP Latitude              Pol  Area   Obsn
      North pole     No data                                   
      South pole     No data                                   
IIB.  Isolated Holes and Polar Extensions
Nmbr        Hole Boundaries            Type  Pol  Area   Obsn
      East   South  West   North  Car
10   N15W51 N12W56 N13W57 N20W55       Iso   Pos         10830A (He)
11   N20W25 S09W34 N03W42 N22W29       Iso   Neg         10830A (He)
12   S52E58 S62E32 S55E20 S30E41       Iso   Pos         10830A (He)
Part III. Interplanetary Observations
Solar Wind Information:  Solar wind data was received from the ACE
spacecraft throughout the reporting period.  Velocity began hovering
below 400 km/s, until beginning a steady rise to approximately 490
km/s beginning at 0500Z.  A second velocity increase began just
after 1100Z, reaching a maximum of approximately 680 km/s at 1230Z.
Velocity then fluctuated in the 520-620 range for the remainder of
the reporting period.  Density began in the 3-4 p/cc range, rose to
a high of approximately 50 p/cc just after 0700Z, dropped down to
approximately 5 p/cc after 1000Z, rose again to a high of 70 p/cc
after 2100Z, and fell once more to end the reporting period at 
10 p/cc. Bz has remained mostly positive in the range -10 to 
+20 nT.
Part IV. Comments

SpaceRef staff editor.