NOAA SEC Solar Coronal Disturbance Report 26 November 2000
:Product: Solar Coronal Disturbance Report
:Issued: 2000 Nov 26 0210 UT
# Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,
# Space Environment Center and the U.S. Air Force.
Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Coronal Disturbance Report
SCDR Number 331 Issued at 0200Z on 26 Nov 2000
Report compiled from data received at SWO on 25 Nov 2000
Part I. Possible Coronal Mass Ejection Events
UT Time Optical Xray Radio
Begin Max End Location Type Size Dur II IV
24/A2017 0000 25/B1125 N28W54 Dsf
25/ 0107 0000 0116 N07E50 Rsp M8.2 30 3 2
25/ 1845 0000 1857 N20W23 Rsp X1.9 11 3
25/ 0657 0000 1225 Rsp 2
Part II. Inferred Coronal Holes. Locations Valid at 25/2400Z
IIA. Polar Holes CMP Latitude Pol Area Obsn
North pole None Visible
South pole None Visible
IIB. Isolated Holes and Polar Extensions
Nmbr Hole Boundaries Type Pol Area Obsn
East South West North Car
11 N16W10 S08W13 N00W17 N16W16 Iso Neg 10830A (He)
10 N22W33 N13W39 N18W40 N24W36 Iso Pos 10830A (He)
Part III. Interplanetary Observations
Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft were received throughout the
reporting period. Velocity ranged from a high of 480 km/s at the
beginning of the day, to a low of 380-390 at the end of the period.
Density ranged from 2-9 p/cc and Bz was mostly positive in the range
-2 to +6 nT.
Part IV. Comments
Halo (earth directed) CMEs were reported with both the M8 and X1