NOAA SEC Report of Solar-Geophysical Activity 28 Jan 2001
:Product: Report of Solar-Geophysical Activity
:Issued: 2001 Jan 28 2200 UT
# Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,
#Space Environment Center and the U.S. Air Force.
Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity
SDF Number 028 Issued at 2200Z on 28 Jan 2001
IA. Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 27/2100Z
to 28/2100Z: Solar activity increased to moderate levels. Region
9313 (S04W64) produced a long-duration M1/1n at 28/1603 UTC
associated with a halo CME. Region 9313 showed significant decay
prior to the flare. Occasional C-class flares occurred during the
rest of the period. The remaining regions were either stable or
declining. New Region 9328 (N06W58) was numbered.
IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be low
to moderate. There will be a fair chance for an isolated M-class
flare sometime during the period.
IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 27/2100Z to 28/2100Z:
Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to active levels. An isolated
active period occurred during 28/1200 - 1500 UTC. A proton event at
greater than 10 MeV began at 28/2025 UTC following the M1/1n flare
from Region 9313. By the close of the period, the greater than 10
MeV flux reached 23.1 pfu and was gradually increasing. The greater
than 2 MeV electron flux reached high levels late in the period.
IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: Geomagnetic field activity is
expected to increase to unsettled to active levels during 30 - 31
January in response to today's halo CME. The greater than 10 MeV
proton event is expected to end early on 29 January. The greater
than 2 MeV electron flux may again reach high levels during the
first half of the period.
III. Event Probabilities 29 Jan-31 Jan
Class M 40/40/35
Class X 05/05/05
Proton 05/05/05
PCAF yellow
IV. Penticton 10.7 cm Flux
Observed 28 Jan 168
Predicted 29 Jan-31 Jan 165/160/160
90 Day Mean 28 Jan 174
V. Geomagnetic A Indices
Observed Afr/Ap 27 Jan 002/004
Estimated Afr/Ap 28 Jan 007/005
Predicted Afr/Ap 29 Jan-31 Jan 007/004-010/008-015/015
VI. Geomagnetic Activity Probabilities 29 Jan-31 Jan
A. Middle Latitudes
Active 20/20/30
Minor storm 10/10/15
Major-severe storm 05/05/05
B. High Latitudes
Active 20/25/40
Minor storm 10/10/20
Major-severe storm 05/05/05