Status Report

NOAA SATOPS Morning Report: Tuesday, March 22, 2005

By SpaceRef Editor
March 23, 2005
Filed under ,

DAY 81


All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


N17 rev 14247 at Fairbanks 0515Z: L2A did not lock-up on the F/S on the first PB attempt. It was forward played and then replayed, and again did not lock-up. The recorder was cross strapped the MSB, but no data was received on it either. There was no apparent reason why there was no data received on the MSB string other than the mystery PB possibility. L2A is unrecoverable due to DTR MGT.

All other POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


GOES-11 0638z – WCDAS was unable to established command carrier lock which delay pre-eclipse commanding until 0706z. SOCC engineering was notified and supported the post-eclipse commanding. No apparent problems with the satellite heath and safety.

All other GOES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.

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