Status Report

NOAA SATOPS Morning Report: Tuesday, January 16, 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
January 16, 2007
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Customers or users who want to call to ask about problems or report outages can use the following contacts:

– For questions about data quality (noisy data, dropouts, schedules), GOES or POES products, or status of spacecraft can call the SAB Shift Supervisor at 301-763-8444

– To report an outage or document a problem, call the ESPC Operations Crew Lead at 301-457-5218. All LRIT data users are encouraged to report problems to:



GOES-13 On 013/0055z the WCDAS workstations froze and the WCDAS personnel were unable to reboot or log off them. Software and engineering personal were notified and began trouble shooting the problem. On 015/1700z the workstations were back on line. SOCC was not affected by this problem during this time and there was no data loss because of this problem

GOES-10 On 016/0545z the schedule suspended at 0542z because of a telemetry dropout caused by a power hit. The spacecraft was stuck in a star sequence and the 0545z image was missed.

All other GOES operations were nominal over the past 272 hours. No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety. For GOES status and other information please see:


All POES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours. No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety. For a detailed status and description of POES see:


Engineering is investigating an anomaly with OPS 49 Gyro 3 which occurred on 012/1606z.

There was a CAT II data lost on OPS 54 on 015/1851z. The data was corrupted from spacecraft.

All other DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours. No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety. For more DMSP Information please see:

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