Status Report

NOAA SATOPS Morning Report: Thursday, October 09, 2008

By SpaceRef Editor
October 9, 2008
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Customers or users who want to call to ask about problems or report outages can use the following contacts:

– For questions about data quality (noisy data, dropouts, schedules), GOES or POES products, or status of spacecraft can call the SAB Shift Supervisor at 301-763-8444

– To report an outage or document a problem, call the ESPC Operations Crew Lead at 301-457-5218. All LRIT data users are encouraged to report problems to:



GOES-10 J282 approximately 7 hours of Sounder data lost beginning at 01:42Z due to a Sounder filter will problem. Under investigation. During this time users may have also seen degraded Imager data due to attitude disturbances caused be the filter wheel problem.

All other GOES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours. No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety. For GOES status and other information please see:


All POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours. No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety. For a detailed status and description of POES see:


All other DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours. No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety. For more DMSP Information please see:


All JASON-2 operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.

Questions or comments to

SpaceRef staff editor.