Status Report

NOAA SATOPS Morning Report: Monday, May 09, 2005

By SpaceRef Editor
May 9, 2005
Filed under ,

Day 129


All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


All POES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


GOES-9 1015Z on May 7 – RPMWS3SV1 Crashed. 0901Z, 0925Z, 1013Z, 1048Z and first part of 1125Z images were not received at SOCC. 0927Z, 1027Z and 1127Z Soundings not received at SOCC. Last image in archive is 0825Z F.D., image stopped at South Japan.

1134Z – FCDA reset bit sync. RPMWS3SV1 now receives data.

GOES-12 0045Z on May 8 – Central notified that scheduled end time of RSO (0626z) conflicts with Lunar shadow. Recommended Central to notify the requestor that due to the Lunar shadow no Imaging or Sounding scheduled from 0526 thru 0715z. Central revises end time of RSO to 0526z.

All other GOES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.

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