Status Report

NOAA SATOPS Morning Report: Monday, March 21, 2011

By SpaceRef Editor
March 20, 2011
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Customers or users who want to call to ask about problems or report outages can use the following contacts:

– For questions about data quality (noisy data, dropouts, schedules), GOES or POES products, or status of spacecraft can call the SAB Shift Supervisor at 301-763-8444

– To report an outage or document a problem, call the ESPC Operations Crew Lead at 301-457-5218. All LRIT data users are encouraged to report problems to:

DOY 080

DOY 078: There was a communication problem for ~7 hours between SOCC and
Fairbanks due to a Verizon trunk line being cut, and an intermediate
configuration (limited diverse routing at the old building) at Fairbanks
during the move to the new building.

NOTE: All GOES spacecraft have entered eclipse season. For keep out zone schedules see:

All GOES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety.
For GOES status and other information please see:

All POES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety.
For a detailed status and description of POES see:

All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety.
For more DMSP Information please see:

All JASON-2 operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety

ESPC Reported data outage
DOY 077 March 18, 2011 17:00 UTC to DOY 078 March 19, 2011 06:00 UTC:
Aura/OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) data unavailable from NASA.

DOY 078 ESPC did not receive Windsat data from Monterey (FNMOC) from
March 19, 2011 0445 UTC until March 20, 2011 1800 UTC.

DOY 078 GOES-11 (West) 1615z, 1630z, 1645z, 1700z, 1745z, and 1800Z;
sectors AKNATL, HAWNATL and WCONUS were unavailable. Cause is under

DOY 079 2216Z N-16 Rev. 54090 HRPT data from Cape Ferguson was so short
that the data were considered lost.

Questions or comments to

SpaceRef staff editor.