Status Report

NOAA SATOPS Morning Report: Monday, April 18, 2011

By SpaceRef Editor
April 18, 2011
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Customers or users who want to call to ask about problems or report outages can use the following contacts:

– For questions about data quality (noisy data, dropouts, schedules), GOES or POES products, or status of spacecraft can call the SAB Shift Supervisor at 301-763-8444

– To report an outage or document a problem, call the ESPC Operations Crew Lead at 301-457-5218. All LRIT data users are encouraged to report problems to:

DOY 108

NOTE: All GOES spacecraft have entered eclipse season. For keep out zone schedules see:

DOY 106 16 April 2011 GOES-13 (EAST) clock error over threshold value,
resulting in loss of 1545 UTC N. Hemishpere Image and 1546 UTC CONUS
Sounding; cause is under investigation.

All other GOES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety.
For GOES status and other information please see:

For ~27 hours, from DOY 106 16 April 2011 at 12:24 UTC (orbit 30422) to
DOY 107 17 April 2011 at 15:34 UTC (orbit 30438), NOAA-18 was placed
into Reduced Gyro Mode, generating increased yaw attitude errors (+/-2
degrees during normal ops, +/-8 degrees during moon intrusion of Earth
sensor). To minimize user impact, also during this test, the NOAA-18
Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) Machine Error Count (MEC) memory was
dumped, producing a data gap from 17:11 – 17:24 UTC on DOY 106 for MHS.

Note: Intermittent problem with POES workstations hanging. Still under
All other POES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety.
For a detailed status and description of POES see:

All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety.
For more DMSP Information please see:

All JASON-2 operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
No anomalies affecting product delivery or s/c health & safety

ESPC Reported data outage and delays
DOY 105 April 15, 2011 1140 – 1700 UTC: No Windsat data received from

DOY 105 April 15, 2011 1950 – 2100 UTC: NO LRIT DCS data was received
from Wallops; cause is under investigation.

DOY 105 April 15, 2011 2110 UTC: No COSMIC data has been received since
this time due to an outage at KSAT; cause is under investigation.

DOY 106 April 16, 2011: GOES-13 (EAST) Image and Sounder data 15:46 UTC
CONUS Sounding and 15:45 UTC Northern Hemisphere image were lost due to
a spacecraft clock error.

Questions or comments to

SpaceRef staff editor.