Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report – May 27, 2003 Day 147 

By SpaceRef Editor
May 27, 2003
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OPS 45 rev 45039, R+06, BOSS-B at 1017Z on May 23:  Uplinked new orbit angle subtable for battery
management via SCCR 45-185. 

Coriolis operator notified SOCC that they were not receiving data as of 0000Z on May 25.  Fairbanks SMTP
server was rebooted and communication link was restored. 

All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 96 hours. 


NOAA-16 rev 13745 / W at 1818Z on May 23:  L2A received with bit sync but no frame sync.  Data not
recoverable from IMUX.  L2A not recoverable due to DTR management. 

All POES operations were nominal over the past 96 hours. 


At 1426Z on May 23, GOES-9 went primary on TCS8 at FCDAS which resolved VCC verification ground
system problem. 

At 2245Z on May 23, Central notified SOCC that GOES-9 grids were off by 70 miles.  RPM was in backup
mode and there was no landmarking.  Central notified SOCC at 0425Z on May 24 that GOES-9 grids were

At 0425Z on May 24, GOES-9 SPS6 imager full disk frame break with 1 scan lost.  Reason unknown. 

At 0641Z, on May 24, GOES-9 SPS6 imager full disk frame break with 2 scans lost.  Reason address phasing

At 0833z, 1133Z, 1304Z, 1628Z and 1847Z on May 24, GOES-9 SPS6 imager full disk frame break with 1 scan lost.  Reason address phasing error. 

At 1911Z on May 24, on GOES-9 switched to DEMOD side 2 on SPS per CDA request to help eliminate frame breaks. 

At 2014Z on May 24, GOES-9 Japan advises that they had not received last two images since the
housekeeping period.  CDA returned SPS to DEMOD side 1. 

At 1151Z and 1431Z on May 25, GOES-9 SPS6 imager full disk frame break with 1 scan lost.  Reason address phasing error. 

At 1653Z on May 26, GOES-12 image frame break with 1 scan lost due to E/W address error. 

At 2034Z on May 26, GOES-10 SPS3 experienced an image primary 1 frame break with 4 scans lost due to
loss of signal sync. 

At 1130Z on May 26, GOES-9 FCDAS reported SPS6 experiencing errors affecting products due to weather
balloon in the vicinity. 

At 1201Z on May 26, GOES-9 momentary drop of wide band data causing loss of scan lines on the full disk
image due weather balloon in the vicinity. 

GOES-8 continues its westward drift at 1.06 deg/day.

SpaceRef staff editor.