Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report May 19, 2003 Day 139

By SpaceRef Editor
May 19, 2003
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OPS49 remains in Nominal Basic mode.

All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


All POES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


On May 16, the GOES-9 schedule was suspended from 1457z to 1535z due to the imager being stuck in star. Two full disk images were missed as a result.

At 1209z on May 17, a GOES-12 frame break was observed and attributed to high BER (unknown).

At 1741z and 2315z on May 17, GOES-12 frame breaks were observed and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

At 0810z on May 17, a GOES-12 frame break was observed and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

The GOES-9 activity to recycle and recover AOCE2 was completed successfully at 1220Z on May 17.  All portions of the script executed successfully, and the IMC and MMC have now been re-enabled via the IMC compensation relay and seem to be operating correctly now.  The AOCE2 memory checks at startup were all nominal, and all checksums are now correct.  The engineering preliminary conclusion is that most likely one or more RAM  memory locations in the Imager IMC/MMC portion of AOCE2 memory became corrupted, and could only be initialized in a definitive way by turning the AOCE Off and Back On. The GOES-9 routine imager/sounder schedule will resume today, May 19, at 19:25 UTC if INR recovery is successful.

At 1925z on May 17, the GOES-9 schedule suspended due to the AOCE sounder rate factor not being set.  The operators successfully set the sounder rate factor with engineering guidance.  The 1926Z sounding was missed as a result of the commanding.

At 1239z on May 19, a GOES-12 SXI dropout of 27 seconds was observed.

GOES-8 continues its westward drift at 1.06 deg/day.

SpaceRef staff editor.