NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report June 5, 2003 Day 156
OPS49 rev 17958 R+05 from POGO-C at 1114Z on June 4: SCCR 49-36 run for clockset on SCP 1.
OPS48 rev 31816 R+06 from POGO-C at 1133Z on June 4: Performed restack of PR2
OPS49 rev 17959 R+06 from POGO-C at 1256Z on June 4: SCCR 49-36 run for clockset on SCP 2
OPS49 rev 17960 R+07 from POGO-C at 1437Z on June 4: SCCR 49-101 run to modify the gyro channels used by OPS49 SCP 2 Precision Attitude Determination Software (PRADS) from XB, YA, ZA to XB, YB, ZA to optimize the gyro data. YA and ZA come from gyro 1 (currently experiencing bias shifts) while XB and YB are from gyro 3 and gyro 2 has failed and is turned off. Since making the change to the gyro configuration, SCP 2 has taken an average of 55 to 60 stars per orbit and is calculating reasonable PRADS attitude and gyro biases. At the same time SCP 1, which has the original gyro configuration, remains diverged. It is still too early to say whether PRADS will remained converged and the spacecraft placed in PRADS control since it is still using the ZA channel from gyro 1.
All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
All POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
At 1717Z, 1739Z and 1809Z on June 4, GOES-9 frame breaks were observed and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.
GOES-8 continues its westward drift at 1.06 deg/day.
All GOES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.