Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report June 2, 2003 Day 153

By SpaceRef Editor
June 2, 2003
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Note:  For the NOAA-17 event, the word “gyro” was used by mistake on two occasions when describing the wheel swap that took place yesterday.  The corrected words are highlighted below.


OPS45 rev 45140 R+08 from FBKS-B at 1340z on May 30: Patched out the sun sensor updates on OPS45 due to delpsi update occurring during solar eclipse.  The patch is scheduled to be removed today, Monday, June 2.  Commanding was accomplished using SCCR 45-186.

All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


NOAA-17 rev 4834 / W at 1433z on May 30:  Executed command to enter YGC mode for the lunar shadow event.

NOAA-16 rev 13848 / F at 0138z on May 31:  SADPOS solar array positioning software disabled for the lunar shadow event.

NOAA-17 rev 4841 / W at 0153z on May 31:  SADPOS solar array positioning software disabled for the lunar shadow event.

NOAA-16 rev 13855 / F at 1343z on May 31:  SADPOS solar array positioning software re-enabled after the lunar shadow event.

NOAA-17 rev 04848 / W at 1411z on May 31: SADPOS solar array positioning software re-enabled after the lunar shadow event.

NOAA-17 rev 04863 / W at 1528z on June 1:  Telemetry indicated that S wheel was autonomously swapped for the X wheel.  Post-pass analysis showed that the anomaly occurred at 1504z.  Engineering reported to the SOCC to review data.   On rev 04866 / F at 2024z, commands were uplinked to clear the forced YGC mode flag and command the spacecraft back to Nominal mode.  Early analysis shows similarity with an event that also occurred on NOAA-16, where the spacecraft failed a passive wheel test while in YGC mode.  Engineers are planning to re-select the orthogonal wheel set later today to return the spacecraft to its nominal configuration.


On May 30, a number of GOES-10 images were canceled due to the lunar shadow event:  1451z, 1500z, 1530z, 1600z, 1615z, 1621z, 1630z, 1645z and 1651z. The 1501z, 1524z, 1601z and 1624z soundings were missed as well.

At 1800z on May 30, the GOES-10 schedule was suspended briefly due to loss of telemetry.  The 1800z full disk was missed as a result.

At 2215z, 2222z, 2224z, and 2248z on May 31, GOES-10 frame breaks were observed and attributed to BER induced by weather at CDA.

At 2325z, 2335z, and 0131z on May 31 and June 1, GOES-9 frame breaks were observed and attributed to unknown RFI.

At 0515z on June 1, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

At 1143z and 1149z on June 1, multiple GOES-9 frame breaks were observed and attributed to weather related RFI.

At 1102z, 1145z, 1215z, 1245z, and 1410z, multiple GOES-12 frame breaks were observed and attributed to CRC errors.  As a result of local weather related (wind) concerns, the shift supervisor initiated discussions with the local GOES antenna technicians, who configured GOES-12 to GOES antenna #1.

At 0048z on June 2, a 2 second SXI dropout was noted for GOES-12.

As of day 153, GOES-8 is passing through ~109 deg W and continuing westward at 1.06 deg/day.

SpaceRef staff editor.