Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report June 16, 2003 Day 167

By SpaceRef Editor
June 16, 2003
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All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


NOAA-17 rev 5048 / W at 1534z on June 14:  The 13-meter “A” antenna failed to maintain auto track and telemetry was lost for almost 2 minutes.  Fortunately, this 6 dump pass was backed up on the “B” antenna and 100% of all data was eventually transferred.  LAC3A, GAC3B and LAC2A did not meet the 1 hour criteria due to equipment problems and antenna availability.

NOAA-14 rev 43587 / F at 1558z on June 14:  The 13-meter “B” system locked up at AOS.  The FCDAS brought up N14 on the “A” antenna, but most of STIP3A and STIP1A data sets were already missed.  Both STIP playbacks were 100% recovered via a call up pass on rev. 43588/F.  The FCDAS rebooted system “B” and no more problems were experienced.

NOAA-16 rev 14054 / F at 1608z on June 14:  The first 6 minutes of this monitor pass was not supported because the “A” antenna was in use for the NOAA-14 pass due to problems with antenna “B”.  As soon as DMSP completed their pass, the FCDAS initialized the “C” antenna for NOAA-16.  Only 40% of the HRPT was recovered.


Between 2307z on June 14 and 0108z on June 15, there were multiple GOES-10 imager frame breaks, which were attributed to high BER (thunderstorms).

At 1340z on June 15, a GOES-12 frame break was observed and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

At 1350z on June 15 and 0137z on June 16, GOES-9 frame breaks were observed and attributed to RFI due to possible radiosonde interference (an inquiry is in to FCDAS regarding these instances).

At 1641z on June 15, a GOES-12 frame break was observed and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

GOES-11 DSN ranging took place on Friday, June 13.

GOES-8 continues its westward drift at 1.06 deg/day. It is currently at 125.7 W.

All GOES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.

SpaceRef staff editor.