NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report April 7, 2003 Day 097
GE Americom Circuit 9336 between SOCC and BOSS out of service as of 094/1200z. At 1740z Ge Americom replaced a modem at BOSS.
47/41455/06/BOSS-B/1106Z: LOST – BOSS couldn’t initialize system for support; tried to REBOOT system (unsuccessfully), and support faded before system could REBOOT. No other site available. ADO notified @ 1215Z for CAT-1 declared 1131Z 6170 S/C sec. and 15425 P/B seconds.
All other DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
N-15 095/2009z- At the start of the stored table load the SOCC TCS loss communications with the Fairbanks Comm Controller. The CDA was able to take control of the schedule and complete the load and recover all data. Excellent job by the Fairbanks personnel with an assist to the SOCC crew in avoiding a possible data loss.
N-17/4066W/1450Z: Post-pass transfers could not be accomplished from the primary 13M “B” ANT IMUX (reason unknown), but all of the data was successfully transferred from the “A” ANT IMUX which was operating in parallel with the “B” ANT.
All other POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
At 1945z on April 4, Wallops reported all RPMS were out of service. ETRO today, Monday 4-7.
GOES-12 – 094/1256z SXI commanded into standby mode and routine imaging started under ICT62. 096/2335z Switched Sounder Heater sides from Side 1 to Side 2 because of limit violations. After switch limits returned to normal.
GOES-12 will continue to drift at an eastward rate of ~0.33 degrees per day toward 75 degrees W until the stop maneuver is performed on approximately April 22. Until GOES-12 arrives on-station, the GOES-12 will be retransmitted via GOES-8 (to minimize impacts to the users).
GOES-9 is currently at approximately 170.5 E drifting at a westward rate of ~0.717 degrees per day toward 155 E longitude where it will support the GMS-5 replacement mission in April.
Eclipse operations for all spacecraft continue. Eclipse schedules for GOES-East and GOES-West (which can be used to track the day-to-day image deletions due to KOZ and eclipse) can be found at:
Major upcoming GOES milestones (Note: These dates are subject to change)
- April 15: GOES-9 removal from storage
- April 16-19: GOES-9 GVAR begins, INR startup with a 0.7 deg/day drift
- April 22: GOES-12 stops at 75 deg W; ancillary communication services (DCS, WEFAX, EMWIN, SAR) become operational.
- April 24: GOES-8 drift start westward from 75 W
- April 25: GOES-9 drift stop at 155 E
All GOES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.