NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 29 Dec 2000
SATOPS MORNING REPORT – December 29, 2000
No change in the status of the POES spacecraft.
NOAA-14 rev 30904 / F at 1346Z on December 28: L5B noisy from
spacecraft and 92% of the expected data received. Recorder management
sequence constraints prevented any further attempt at data recovery.
NOAA-15 rev 13658 / W at 2315Z on December 28: Only 4 minutes
of HRPT and no G4A recovered due to ground system problems at CDA.
All G1A recovered this rev. 100% of G4A recovered on rev 13659.
NOAA-14 rev 30912 / F at 0310Z on December 29: L1A was noisy during
playback and transferred 95.5% of the expected data to CEMSCS. Recorder
management sequence constraints prevented any further attempt at data recovery.
POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.
DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
No change in the status of the GOES spacecraft.
At 1730Z on December 28: GOES-10 image frame break due to loss
of signal synch.
GOES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
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