Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 28 August 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
August 28, 2000
Filed under



No change in the status of the POES spacecraft.

NOAA-14 rev 29141F – G5B received short from spacecraft with 69.7% of
the data received. Recorder management prevented replay from the spacecraft
on subsequent revs.

NOAA-11 rev 61472F – STIP1A received as NOAA-12 data at CEMSCS. 
The controller manipulated the data (eliminating the first 16 seconds of
the data) which enabled the CEMSCS FEP to recognize the data as N-11 data.
STIP1A on REV 61269F and 61275F also required similar shaving to enable
CEMSCS to recognize it as N-11 vice N-12 data.  Engineers will check
into this issue this week.

POES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.

OPS-46 deactivation activities continue as planned.  Activities
expected to complete as planned on Wednesday, August 30.

DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


No change in the status of the GOES spacecraft.

Between 1319z and 2007z on Friday, August 25, multiple GOES-10 frame
breaks were observed and attributed to contractor activity in the vicinity
of the receive antenna.

At 2340z on Friday, August 25, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to aircraft in the CDA area.

At 0054z, 0101z, 0723z, 1249z, 1725z and 2049z on Saturday, August 26,
GOES-10 frame breaks were observed and attributed to high BER at CDA (source

At 2034z and 2346z on Saturday, August 26, GOES-8 frame breaks were
observed and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

At 0130z on Sunday, August 27, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to local RFI (source unknown).

At 0650z on Sunday, August 27, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

Between 1224z on Sunday, August 27 and 0706z on Monday, August 28, multiple
GOES-10 frame breaks were observed and attributed to high BER, most likely
due to local thunderstorms at CDA. (Actual frame break times:  1224z,
1257z, 1307z, 1318z, 1349z, 1358z, 1439z, 1620z, 1639z, 2103z, 2307z, 0001z,
0036z, 0447z and 0706z)

Normal pre-eclipse battery reconditioning completed on Friday, August
25 for GOES-8, -9 and -10.

GOES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.


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