Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 21 July 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
July 21, 2000
Filed under



No change in the status of the GOES spacecraft.

GOES-8 rapid scan operations were activated from 1926Z to 0026Z for
severe weather in the Central US.

GOES-10 rapid scan operations were activated from 2003Z to 0403Z for
severe weather in the Central Plains.

GOES-10 frame breaks occurred at 2207Z due to address phasing error,
at 0109Z due to loss of signal synchronization,  and at 0200Z due
to equipment configuration.


NOAA-11 rev 60964 at 0812z, SBUV grating drive stuck.  The range
is -350 to -230.  The anomaly is being closely monitored.

There will be no LAC data recorded on NOAA-15 on Thursday, July 27. 
The recorders will be used to record continuous AIP data along with GAC. 
This is for an operational test to hopefully determine some of the causes
of the AVHRR problems NOAA-15 has been experiencing.

NOAA-15 rev 11367, G5A was noisy from the spacecraft with 98.4% of the
data recovered.

NOAA-15 rev 11361, all data from this pass was noisy, but within prescribed

NOAA-15 rev 11365, the AVHRR sync delta was erratic throughout the pass
with a count varying from -7 to 8.

NOAA-14 rev 28635, G5B displayed symptoms similar to a mystery playback. 
Data was fully recovered.  Engineering analysis is on-going.

NOAA-14 rev 28643, L1B was short due to delay in starting recorders. 
97.7% of the data was recovered.


No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.


DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


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