NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 2 Jan 2001
No change in the status of the POES spacecraft.
NOAA-14 rev 30921 / F at 1837z on December 29: Received only 81% of
G5A because the spacecraft elevation was extremely low during the playback
and the ground receiver lost lock prior to the playback completion.
Recorder positioned for a replay on the next pass. Replayed G5A on rev
30922F and received 100% of the expected data.
NOAA-14 rev 30944 / W at 0953z on December 31: L5B playback played without
frame sync lock. Data not recoverable due to spacecraft recorder
management constraints.
NOAA-14 rev 30949 / F at 1813z on December 31: G3A played down and we
transferred 26.8% of the expected data to CEMSCS with multiple data gaps.
Another recovery is not possible due to spacecraft recorder management
NOAA-14 rev 30950 / F at 1952z on December 31: G1A played down with
a significant dropout midway through the playback which caused the biggest
part of the data loss. We transferred 67.9% of the expected data
to CEMSCS, with a large number of data gaps. Another recovery will
not be possible due to spacecraft recorder management constraints.
NOAA-15 rev 13701 / W at 2347z on December 31: At 00:00:00Z the
13 meter “A” antenna changed direction and went 180 degrees off the S/C.
About 2 minutes of HRPT telemetry was lost, but we were able to receive
TIP telemetry. The scheduled playback was recovered prior to the
13 meter antenna losing the spacecraft. The WCDAS found that all
passes for day 001 were scheduled as partial passes on the 13 meter system
and they were able to restore the whole schedule as full passes.
A copy of the epoch event log was saved at the CDA.
NOAA-14 rev 30964 / F at 1941z on January 1: G1A played down and we
transferred 89.8% of the expected data to CEMSCS, with 9 data gaps.
Another recovery attempt will not be possible due to spacecraft recorder
management constraints.
Fairbanks 13-meter antenna system “C” down for a bad motor at 2013z
on January 1. No estimate for return to operations at this time.
No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.
OPS49 rev 05459 FAIR/B at 19:52 on January 1: Site change and
misread support times from the ground system monitor resulted in data times
being calculated off of the incorrect rise/fade times. All the data
was recovered but CAT 1 timelines were exceeded leading to a data loss.
DMSP operations were nominal over the past 96 hours.
No change in the status of the GOES spacecraft.
At 1120z on December 29: GOES-8 image frame break due to loss of signal
At 2201z on December 29: GOES-8 image frame break due to IPA memory
buffer full.
At 1312z on December 30: GOES-8 image frame break due to high bit error
rate at CDA.
At 1535z, 1551z, and 1845z on December 30: GOES-8 image frame breaks
due to interference at CDA.
At 1313z on December 30: GOES-10 image missed due to timing problem
on transmitter that resulted in loss of uplink.
At approximately 2017z on December 31: Lost COMM (voice & telemetry)
with CDA. Initial investigation indicates probable T1 outage. CDA
has master workstation control at 2025z.
At 2107z on December 31: SOCC Shift Supervisor verified thru AT&T
technician that the T1 lines are up and running. AT&T paradyne modems
(740 & 745) reset at SOCC and WCDA. Communication re-established with
WCDA. SOCC has master workstation control at 2122z. No image or sounding
data lost.
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