NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 14 September 2000
SATOPS MORNING REPORT – September 14, 2000
No change in the status of the POES spacecraft.
The LM/Sunnyvale component of the NOAA-L launch team arrives on the
East Coast this evening. A full-day launch briefing, which will include
facility briefings, database and contingency operations reviews, and staffing
and outstanding issues reviews, will occur tomorrow, September 15.
Two full-day dress rehearsals are planned for Saturday, September 16 and
Monday, September 18. The launch is currently on target for 1022Z
(0622 EDT) on Wednesday, September 20. The launch window is approximately
10 minutes.
NOAA-12 rev 48479W: G2A received noisy from spacecraft. 97.0%
of the expected data from G2A received. Another recovery is not possible
due to recorder scheduling limitations.
NOAA-15 AVHRR-MIRP resynchronization tests continue. Additional
tests will be conducted for one or two revs each day through September
18 for continued engineering analysis of the AVHRR instrument. No
impacts to operational data have occurred due to this testing.
POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.
DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
No change in the status of the GOES spacecraft.
GOES-8 (East) Operations:
The GOES-8 fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0414-0526Z and continues
through October 15th. GOES-8 images cancelled for Eclipse/KOZ – 0401,
0409, 0415, 0431, 0439, 0445, 0501, 0509, 0515, 0531, 0539, 0545Z and 0615Z.
GOES-8 soundings cancelled for Eclipse/KOZ – 0346, 0420, 0446, 0520, 0546
and 0620Z. Full disk coverage during GOES-10 KOZ: 0815Z – 1044Z.
GOES-10 (West) Operations:
The GOES-10 fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0816-0930Z and
continues through October 16th. GOES-10 images cancelled for KOZ/Eclipse:
0800, 0815, 0822, 0830, 0845, 0851, 0900, 0930, 1021 and 1030Z. GOES-10
soundings cancelled for KOZ/Eclipse: 0801, 0824, 0901, 0924 and 1024Z.
Full disk coverage during GOES-8 eclipse 0430Z – 0629Z.
At 1516Z on Wednesday, September 13, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to high BER, possibly caused by a Hawkeye aircraft in the
CDA vicinity.
At 1426Z and 1922Z on Wednesday, September 13 and 0030Z and 0320Z on
Thursday, September 14, GOES-10 frame breaks were observed and attributed
to high BER (unknown source).
Storage Mode Spacecraft Operations:
The GOES-9 fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0612-0724Z and continues
through October 15th. GOES-9 remains in the Z-Axis Precession (ZAP)
storage mode.
The GOES-11 fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0619-0732Z and
continues through October 16th. GOES-11 remains in the Z-Axis Precession
(ZAP) storage mode.
GOES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
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