NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 10 October 2000
No change in the status of the POES spacecraft.
NOAA-16 operations nominal. The schedule for the remaining instruments
to be turned on is: HIRS 10/10-10/11, SEM 10/11, AVHRR (IR) 10/11.
NOAA-14 rev 29748-F at 1630Z on Saturday, October 7: G1B received short
with 60.4% of expected data recovered. Dropouts observed due to AGC
fade. Attempts to recover G1B on future revs not possible due to
recorder management.
On rev 62076-W at 0059z on Sunday, October 8, the NOAA-11 SBUV was observed
to be operating in a limited range. Post pass investigation revealed the
SBUV began operating erratically on Saturday at 22:08:01z. The SBUV
returned to full-range operation at approximately 2:07:10z. Further
review will be conducted on Tuesday, October 10.
On Sunday, October 8, the FCDAS advised that the 13m ìBî ant. and ìBî
System is unusable until further notice (for “B” feed replacement testing).
The S-Band capability has been down for almost two weeks now; the implication
of this change is that the VHF capability of the “B” system is not available.
This status will be reviewed at FCDAS on Monday AM.
NOAA-14 rev 29776-F at 1605Z on Monday, October 9: G1B received short
with 76% of expected data recovered. Attempts to recover G1B on future
revs not possible due to recorder management.
POES operations were nominal over the past 96 hours.
No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.
DMSP operations were nominal over the past 96 hours.
No change in the status of the GOES spacecraft.
GOES-8 (East) Operations:
The GOES-8 Fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0414-0526Z and continues
through October 15th. GOES-8 Images cancelled for Eclipse/KOZ – 0345,
0401, 0409, 0415, 0431, 0439, 0445, 0501, 0509, 0515, 0531, 0539, 0545z
and 0615z. GOES-8 Soundings cancelled for Eclipse/KOZ – 0346, 0420,
0446, 0520, 0546 and 0620z. Full disk coverage during GOES-10 KOZ:
0815Z – 1044Z.
At 1646z on Friday, October 6, multiple frame breaks affected 1646z
sounding that were attributed to solar RFI (seasonal). Multiple frame
breaks also reported in 1645z Northern Hemi image.
At 1643z on Saturday, October 7, a GOES-8 frame break was observed and
attributed to solar RFI (seasonal). The 1646z sounding was once again
corrupted (attributed to E/W address error). Additional frame breaks
were also observed in the 1645z Northern Hemi image.
At 1639z and 1645z on Sunday, October 8, GOES-8 frame breaks were observed
and attributed to solar RFI (seasonal).
At 0246z on Monday, October 9, a GOES-8 frame break was observed and
attributed to loss of signal synch.
At 1645z on Monday, October 9, GOES-8 frame breaks were observed and
attributed to solar RFI (seasonal).
GOES-10 (West) Operations:
The GOES-10 Fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0816-0930Z and
continues through October 16th. GOES-10 Images cancelled for KOZ/Eclipse:
0800, 0815, 0822, 0830, 0845, 0851, 0900, 0930, 1021 and 1030z. GOES-10
Soundings cancelled for KOZ/Eclipse: 0801, 0824, 0901, 0924 and 1024z.
Full disk coverage during GOES-8 eclipse 0430Z – 0629Z.
At 2226z on Friday, October 6, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to thunderstorm activity at the CDA.
At 1404z on Saturday, October 7, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to loss of signal synch.
At 2100z on Saturday, October 7, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to Solar RFI (seasonal).
Between 1124z and 1531z on Sunday, October 8, multiple GOES-10 frame
breaks were observed and attributed to high BER, possibly attributed to
HR-2 antenna performance. Actual frame breaks were recorded at:
1124z, 1147z, 1217z, 1226z, 1233z, 1247z, 1245z, 1309z, 1324z, 1332z, 1346z,
1352z, 1402z (14.2 M antenna and SPS3 configured for parallel down link),
1416z, 1426z, 1435z, 1445z, 1451z, 1453z, 1501z and 1531z.
On Sunday, October 8, at 1555z – Due to unknown origin of BER on the
HR2 antenna since 1115z, the CDA antenna configuration was changed to 13
“Cî on G10 / HR2 on G9.
At 1130z and 1302z on Sunday, October 8, GOES-10 frame breaks were observed
and attributed to E/W address error.
At 1607z on Sunday, October 8, GOES-10 frame breaks were observed and
attributed to high BER (aircraft).
At 1752z on Sunday, October 8, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to high BER (unknown).
At 1805z on Sunday, October 8, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to loss of signal synch.
At 0205z on Monday, October 9, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to high BER (unknown).
At 1605z on Monday, October 9, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to loss of signal synch.
At 2101z on Monday, October 9, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to solar RFI (seasonal).
At 1747z, 1925z and 2322z on Monday, October 9, and at 1123z, 0216z
and 0720z on Tuesday, October 10, GOES-10 frame breaks were observed and
attributed to high BER (unknown).
Storage Mode Spacecraft Operations:
The GOES-9 Fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0612-0724Z and continues
through October 15th. GOES-9 remains in the Z-Axis Precession (ZAP)
storage mode.
The GOES-11 Fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0619-0732Z and
continues through October 16th. GOES-11 remains in the Z-Axis Precession
(ZAP) storage mode.
GOES operations were nominal over the past 96 hours.
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