Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 1 September 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
September 1, 2000
Filed under

SATOPS MORNING REPORT – September 1, 2000


No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.

DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


NOAA-10 rev 72560, 2123Z changed solar array from -72 degrees to -80
degrees offset.

POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


GOES-8 rapid scan operations were activated for 2126Z to 0326Z for severe
weather over Wisconsin.

GOES-10 rapid scan operations were activated for 1833Z to 0133Z for
severe weather over Nevada.

GOES-8 images cancelled for Eclipse/KOZ – 0415, 0431, 0439, 0445, 0501,
0509, 0515, 0531, 0539, 0545, and 0615Z.

GOES-8 soundings cancelled for Eclipse/KOZ – 0420, 0446, 0520, 0546
and 0620Z.

At 1853Z a GOES-10 frame break was observed and attributed to loss of
signal synchronization.

At 1930Z a GOES-10 frame break was observed and attributed to presence
of interfering equipment near antenna.

At 2042Z a GOES-10 frame break was observed and attributed to high
bit error rate at CDA.

GOES-10 images cancelled for KOZ/Eclipse: 0830, 0845, 0851, 0900, and

GOES-10 soundings cancelled for KOZ/Eclipse: 0824, 0901, and 0924Z.

GOES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


Questions or comments to

SpaceRef staff editor.