NextSTEP H: Human Landing System – Integrated Lander
Solicitation Number: NNH19ZCQ001K_APP-H
Apr. 8, 2019 – First synopsis Issued
April 26, 2019 – Updated synopsis issued
NASA has updated the NextSTEP H pre-solicitation notice under the second Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP-2) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), originally issued April 8, 2019.
The original pre-solicitation notice described intent to solicit proposals for activities related only to the ascent element of the Human Landing System.
This update signals intent by the end of May 2019 to seek proposals from industry in support of rapid development of an integrated human lunar landing system, including elements such as a descent element, ascent element, and transfer vehicle. NASA will seek proposals from U.S. industry for the development, integration, and crewed demonstration of these elements as a functional human landing system that can fulfill NASA and industry requirements, and meet the challenge to send the next man, and the first woman, to the Moon by 2024.
Activities under NextSTEP E, Human Landing Systems Studies, Risk Reduction, Development and Demonstration will be integrated with the proposed activities under NextSTEP H.