Status Report

Next Generation Space Telescope Weekly News 30 Jan 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
January 30, 2002
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Hi Folks,

We had a good NASA/ESA and NASA/CSA set of bilateral meetings last
week in the Maryland area. We reviewed the preliminary Independent
Review Team (IRT) findings from our mid December review. We
thoroughly reviewed the contributions from an export control (ITAR)
perspective with experts from NASA Hqs. Additionally, we went over
all the relevant schedules for instrument delivery, spacecraft
development, and guider definition studies. The next ESA/NASA
bilateral is scheduled for the May timeframe in Europe. Fifteen
formal action items were recorded.

Preparations are in work for a major March review of the Advanced
Mirror Systems Demonstrator Program (AMSD) in Greenbelt. Progress
against the 3 contractor’s plans will be assessed by the government
reviewers from each of the funding agencies (NASA/DoD). A mid term
review of the cryostat study being done by Air Liquide in Europe will
be held at ESTEC in mid February. Finally, an on-site review of
progress in ambient testing of the U of A two meter NMSD mirror will
be held in Tucson during the last week in February.

No news to report on the various procurement fronts. More later.

Bernard D. Seery

Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) Project Manager

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Mail Code 443, Bldg. 22/308

Greenbelt, MD 20771

Tel/FAX. 301-286-5712/6-5558

Cell: 301-3518120




For appointments, call Gail Dellagatta at 301-286-8260

SpaceRef staff editor.