Status Report

NExSS Winter School: Interaction between planet interiors and surfaces

By SpaceRef Editor
December 5, 2015
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The NExSS Winter School is open to graduate students and recent postdocs who want to increase their interdisciplinarity across the disciplines studied by NExSS and the themes explored at the related Upstairs/Downstairs Workshop Without Walls. It will be held Feb. 21-27 at the Biosphere 2 facility in Oracle, AZ. NExSS intends to select 30 students for the school, and pay all expenses except for the flight to Phoenix/Tucson.

Some of the confirmed instructors are Daniel Apai (UA), David Catling (UW), Steve Desch (ASU), Shawn Domagal-Goldman (GSFC), Hiroshi Imanaka (SETI), Maggie Turnbull (GSI). We are excited to explore the themes of interaction between planet interiors and their surfaces, with implications for geochemistry and biosignatures.

More information and application procedures at:

SpaceRef staff editor.