New Journal JGR Biogeosciences

The new journal, JGR Biogeosciences, is currently inviting submission of papers for review. Astrobiology/exobiology submissions are encouraged as this is one of the focus areas of the new journal:
“This new section of JGR will focus on biogeosciences of the Earth system in the past, present, and future and its applicability to planetary studies. The emerging field of “biogeosciences” spans the intellectual interface between biology and the geosciences and attempts to understand the functions of the Earth system across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Studies in biogeosciences may employ multiple lines of evidence drawn from diverse fields to gain a holistic understanding of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems and extreme environments.
Specific topics within the scope of the new JGR section include process-based studies of biogeochemistry, biogeophysics and global change, life in extreme environments, astrobiology, microbial processes, and evolutionary geobiology.”
See for more detail.