New Educational Materials Now Available at
The Educational Materials section of NASA’s Web site offers classroom activities, educator guides, posters and other types of resources that are available for use in the classroom. Materials are listed by type, grade level and subject. The following items are now available.
Space Lunch — Grades K-4
Learn about nutrition and space food at the same time. In this “collapse-type” game, match foods and food groups to beat the clock and reveal a picture of astronauts and their space food.
Comparing Comets — Grades 7-12
In this activity, students
— Compare surface features on the nucleus of two comets.
— Explain some possible causes for differences between the two nuclei.
— List questions that you have about the surface of comet nuclei.
The student pages include images of comet Wild 2 (pronounced “Vilt-2”) and comet Tempel 1 for students to compare the nucleus of each. The student pages also include a digital image analysis procedure for high school students.
Core of Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) Lithograph — Grades 9-12
A globular cluster is a tight-knit collection of many thousands, sometimes even millions, of stars born at almost the same time and place. The image of NGC 5139, a globular cluster, is on the first page of the lithograph. Background information about Omega Centauri is on the second page. The lithograph includes a Level One Inquiry activity entitled “In Search of … Stellar Evolution,” in which students research the variety of colors of stars.
Carina Nebula Pillar Lithograph — Grades 11-12
Carina Nebula Pillar is an active, three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust in the southern constellation Carina. The image of the pillar is on the first page of the lithograph. Background information about the “Mystic Mountain” is on the second page. The lithograph includes a Level One Inquiry activity entitled “In Search of … Star Formation,” in which students research how stars form.
Earth’s Energy Budget Poster — Grades 6-12
Earth’s heat engine does more than simply move heat from one part of the surface to another; it also moves heat from Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere back to space. This flow of incoming and outgoing energy is Earth’s energy budget.
The front of the Earth’s Energy Budget Poster depicts incoming, reflected, absorbed and emitted solar radiation. The back of the poster is divided into eight parts with background information, a lesson plan, a vocabulary matching activity and career information.
NASA and You Flier — Grades K-12
This flier describes how teachers can access the NASA and You (NASA y Tu) website. The bilingual site is designed to inspire Latino students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. NASA y Tu consists of 30-second educational video segments, interview clips with Hispanic researchers and educational resources for parents and teachers.