National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition
The National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition is the Montana Space Grant Consortium’s Education Program for NASA’s Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph mission. IRIS will use spectrography and imaging in ultraviolet wavelengths to reveal the dynamics of the sun’s chromospheres and transition region.
This yearly competition is open to undergraduate interdisciplinary teams from colleges and universities across the U.S. teams are challenged to design and build a working ground-based solar spectrograph and demonstrate the capabilities of the spectrograph by making pre-defined observations of the solar spectrum. Typical teams have three to six students and must have a faculty advisor.
Both substantial scholarship prizes and travel prizes will be given in four categories: best design, best build, best science observations and best presentation of results. Teams may apply for funding of $2000 per team for project materials. Priority for build funds will be given to minority-serving institutions, community colleges and institutions with less aerospace activity.
Applications for build awards are due May 30, 2011. Build awards will be distributed in June 2011. Registrations are due on Aug. 30, 2011. As space allows, late registrations may be accepted until Dec. 31, 2011.
The competition will be held in Bozeman, Mont., in May 2012.
For more information and to register online, visit
Please email any questions about this competition to Randy Larimer at