NASDA Kibo Status 29 Jul 2003
The pressurized module of Kibo is being prepared for MEIT-III
The pressurized module of Kibo, the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) of the International Space Station (ISS), is now under preparation for MEIT-III*, which is scheduled in late August to September. The pressurize module was delivered to the Space Station Processing Facility in the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) on June 5. Many preparation operations were already completed including checking the main body and conducting fit checks of flight items such as air ducts, electric lines, communication lines, and coolant tubes. We will carry out removal of air from coolant and rack installation/removal to be ready for MEIT-III.
* MEIT-III is a Multi-Element Integration Test-III, which is a test to verify electric interfaces and performance of the module by integrating it with the actual flight connection module, Node 2, of the International Space Station main body.