NASAGSFC Management Council Meeting 8 Jan 2001
Directors of are to speak to supervisors who have not taken IT Security training. All training should be completed in the next 30 days.
Will travel to JSC on Thursday for CSOC Quarterly meeting.
Walter Fauntroy will be here tomorrow in celebration of Martin Luther King’s Birthday.
Center Director’s Colloquium is scheduled for Wednesday.
Will be on annual leave 2/12/01 through 2/20/01.
EO-1 MOC visit was done last week. Everything is going well.
Meeting with HQ/Y/Asrar today on ESSP Budget Options and VCL.
Contractor Safety Forum is scheduled for this afternoon.
SWIFT Confirmation Review is scheduled for Friday.
STEREO Independent Assessment is scheduled for Friday.
Need inputs on Air Force Research Lab opportunity by COB on Friday.
Will attend Landsat Workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday.
GSA computing award to CSC for upgrade replacement of computer capabilities over the next 7 years.
AAS, Newborn Star, and HST are all in the news this week.
Channels 5 and 9 to do pieces on GSFC this week.
Baltimore/DC stations to do Q&A session with STS 98 crew this week.
Distributed 2001 PAO calendar.
Distributed handout on communications.
Walter Fauntroy will visit WFF on Thursday.
MAP is starting to be integrated.
Working HESSI problem found during thermal vac test.
Received Discovery AO results. No GSFC missions were selected.
Two long duration balloons are in the air in Antarctica.
Fauntroy and Aldrin are visiting on 1/11/01.
WFF requested to be one of four new emergency shuttle landing sites.
Will attend Landsat Conference this week.
MODIS meetings are scheduled later in January.
IWG will be held in Florida.
AMS meeting is upcoming.
Several Terra special sessions are scheduled.
The workforce database iteration is due today.
W2’s will be mailed out on 1/12/01.
The OIG final Audit Report on CSOC was issued to HQ/M. Seven recommendations were made to OSF. Code M nonconcurred on the OIG findings in
July. The OIG found management’s comments to be nonresponsive.
The OIG issued its final Audit Report on Health Care Costs at NASA Contractors. The OIG made two recommendations to HQ/H.
The OIG has announced plans for five OIG IT security inspections. Will provide more information when it is received.
The OIG has informed NASA of its FY 2002 audit planning cycle. GSFC folks may be contacted to provide information in particular TBD subject areas.
The OIG continues to review NASA’s Planning and Implementation for PDD 63.
The OIG has issued its final Audit Report on NASA’s Use of Smartpay Purchase Cards. The OIG made two recommendations to HQ/H.
GAO denied both protests of the Mission Assurance Services contract award.
A telecon is scheduled this week with HQ/H to review GSFC’s progress in implementing RBAM on our contracts. Reviews will occur with all Centers. This
is a major effort and may have cost implications.
Flu shot vaccine has arrived. The Health Unit will offer immunizations to NASA Civil Servant employees every day from noon to 3 p.m. until 1/19/01.
After 1/19/01, they will be offered every Monday and Thursday from noon to 3 p.m.
Ice-skating on Center ponds is prohibited. Signs are being posted.
The Chemical Inventory Data Call was issued to the Center on 1/3/01. The due date is 2/2/01. This particularly impacts Code 600.
Recruiting announcement was in the Post yesterday.
NIAT web cast is scheduled for this Thursday. Six conference rooms are set up on Center.
OPM survey on Merit Systems Principles is out.
Nominations for Diversity Dialog Process are due 1/10/01.