NASA/GSFC Earth Observing System Program (EOS) Algorithm Maintenance and Refinement
General Information
- Document Type: Presolicitation Notice
- Solicitation Number: RFP-5-61224-GCO
- Posted Date: Sep 09, 2003
- Original Response Date: Sep 24, 2003
- Original Archive Date: Sep 09, 2004
- Current Archive Date:
- Classification Code: B — Special studies and analysis – not R&D
Contracting Office Address
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 210.Y, Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA/GSFC plans to issue a Request for Offer (RFO), on a sole source basis to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). This requirement encompasses Facility Instrument Algorithm Maintenance Team Leader activities necessary to manage and coordinate team member, foreign partners, and resources for the manipulation of “Measurement of Pollution in The Troposphere” (MOPITT) derived data as a method of “Algorithm Maintenance” in support of NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) Program. The prospective follow-on procurement will be a Cost No Fee Contract with a 5-year basic period of performance (December 15, 2003 through December 14, 2008). Currently, this work is being performed under NAS5-30888 with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, which expires on December 14, 2003. The Contractor shall provide algorithm maintenance science computing operation, data product quality control, validation support and error analysis, on-orbit monitoring of sensor health and instrument calibration and validation. The NASA Earth Observing System Program relies on “Measurement of Pollution in The Troposphere” (MOPITT) derived data as a method of “Algorithm Maintenance” for the manipulation of executable scientific computer code for operational algorithms to produce global troposheric carbon monoxide and methane data products for key global change research. The Contractor shall coordinate and direct both pre-launch and post-launch sensor calibration and characterization activities as appropriate, ensure that instruments characteristics and calibration parameters are incorporated into the appropriate data production software and tables. The Contactor shall provide support operations to ensure the safety and timeliness of related spacecraft activities, as well as support for investigation of instrument anomalies. Statutory authority for this sole source procurement is 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1)–Only One Responsible Source. However, organizations who believe they can provide these services without any detrimental impact to the program schedules supported by this work, should fully identify their interest and capabilities within 15 days after publication of this synopsis. The Government does not intend to acquire a commercial item using FAR Part 12. See the following Notes NASA Specific Note B, and Notes 22 and 26. Interested organizations have 15 days from the publication of this synopsis to submit in writing to the identified point of contact, their qualifications/capabilities. Such qualifications/capabilities will be used solely for the purpose of determining whether or not to conduct this procurement on a competitive basis. Responses received after the 15 days or without the required information will be considered non-responsive to the synopsis and will not be considered. A determination by the Government to not compete this proposed effort on a full and open competition basis, based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. All qualified responsible sources may submit an offer, which shall be considered by this agency. Any reference notes can be viewed at the following URL: Oral communications are not acceptable in response to this notice. All responsible sources may submit an offer which shall be considered by the agency.
Original Point of Contact
Nathan Watters, CONTRACT SPECIALIST, Phone (301) 614-5584, Fax (301) 614-5619, Email
Email your questions to Nathan Watters at