Status Report

NASA STS-134 Report #20 8 p.m. CDT Wednesday, May 25, 2011

By SpaceRef Editor
May 25, 2011
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NASA STS-134 Report #20  8 p.m. CDT Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mission Control Center, Houston, Texas

HOUSTON – The International Space Station and space shuttle Endeavour crews continue with a variety of activities today. They will perform a vehicle inspection, prepare for the final spacewalk, and participate in a combined crew news conference.

The Endeavour crew and Expedition 28 crew woke at 6:56 p.m. to the song “Countdown” by the Canadian band Rush, played for Mission Specialist Mike Fincke. Fincke described how his friends Greg Shurtz and NASA employee Ken Fisher chose the song because the band was inspired to write it and the album “Signals” after viewing the launch of STS-1. Fincke went on to say the song was played as a tribute to the space shuttle program, which has inspired people around the world.

Most of the crew day will be focused on a late inspection of the space shuttle. This is a routine precautionary check for any damage that may have occurred during the docked phase of the mission, although this is usually done after undocking. Because the orbiter boom will be left on the space station, it is necessary to perform the inspection while the two vehicles are still mated.

The crew members will also prepare for the fourth and final spacewalk of the mission. Fincke and Mission Specialist Greg Chamitoff will conduct the spacewalk and be joined by Mission Specialist Andrew Feustel to gather tools, configure the suits and prepare the airlock.

At 10 p.m. Commander Mark Kelly will participate in media interviews with four Tucson, Arizona television stations. Later, at 4:40 a.m., he and the combined shuttle and station crews will join for an international news conference.

The Expedition 28 crew of Commander Andrey Borisenko, and Flight Engineers Ron Garan and Alexander Samokutyaev will continue with station maintenance and support shuttle crew activities. Garan will also assist with spacewalk preparations.

The next status report will be issued Thursday afternoon, or earlier if warranted.

SpaceRef staff editor.