NASA STS-128 Execute Package FD12
1. Notes on TriDAR – As a reminder, once TriDAR is set up and running on STS3 (KFX PGSC), you will be unable to view/access messages from the network. Any messages that you need during the time TriDAR is running will need to be printed out before you begin TriDAR. In addition, Outlook will not be available during this time.
2. OBSS Ops Update – Due to the closure of Fwd RCS Manifold 5, FWD RCS MANF 5 OVRD CL/OP callouts in the OBSS procedures are no longer required. The following steps are affected. Please note, MSG 007A from FD2 is no longer applicable (i.e. no changes to DAP or PRCS logics and drivers throughout procedure).