NASA STS-127 Execute Package FD11
Enjoy your day off, you deserve it! Your EVA tool config is not scheduled until FD12, but be aware that the RET left on the ballstack between EVAs is NOGO for further use. We will include notes in tomorrow’s EVA 4 tool deconfig asking you to report the s/n of the ballstack RET and put it in a ziplock bag marked No Go for EVA. We will also request the s/n’s of the ballstack AET and the RETs attached to the door of C/L Bag B, although they are still Go for EVA. For your reading pleasure, we included a preliminary EVA5 Summary Timeline in MSG 100 (20-0589).
Chris, MCC is analyzing the data from your EVA yesterday. If you wouldn’t mind answering a few questions, this may help us understand the performance of your LiOH cartridge and what, if anything, should be done differently for EVA 5. We’re trying to understand how the amount of moisture present, which can be affected by the Temperature Control Valve (TCV) setting, may have played a factor in the LiOH performance.