Status Report

NASA STS-126 Execute Package FD 10

By SpaceRef Editor
November 23, 2008
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NASA STS-126 Execute Package FD 10

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Heide, Eric, Shane, & Steve,

Great job yesterday on EVA3!

This message contains EVA 4 Deltas. The new EVA 4 Summary Timeline is in 18-0299 (MSG 094).

18-0305 (MSG 098) EVA 4 Tool Config contains the updates as discussed last night. Please let us know of any deltas so we can stay in sync with you.

18-0301 (MSG 096) ULF2 Tool Stow for MPLM Transfer includes deltas for Post-EVA 4 EVA transfer items.

We will be sending up a message later today with two items for your procedure review.

The first addresses how momentum management and the SARJ angle may affect the timing of tasks on EVA 4. The second contains some new cribsheet inputs that JAXA provided for the EFBM task.

SpaceRef staff editor.