NASA STS-126 Execute Package FD 07
Good morning Don, STS-126 & Increment 18 crews!
Thanks for another great day of transfer yesterday! I know we’ve already said this, but it really is a joy to watch you all making us look good up there. And with MPLM transfer in fullswing, we definitely agree with Don that it looks like a fire ant mound that’s just been kicked!
Today you’ll be filling the RFTA, so there are a few items you’ll need to transfer in support of that activity. In addition, you’ll also be transferring some items required for the TOCA assembly. Later in the afternoon you’ll be deploying the new Radiation Area Monitors and packing up some ITCS samples and Russian water samples for return in the middeck. And finally you’ll need to transfer the new REBAs to support the charging activities in the evening.