NASA STS-126 Execute Package FD 04
Congratulations on an excellent rendezvous and docking!!!
The FD03 MMT met to review orbiter systems and mission progress. Additionally, the MMT reviewed the ascent trajectory and propulsion systems performance both of which were nominal.
Orbiter Systems – Endeavour continues to perform well with only a few anomalies discussed. Here’s a short summary of the relevant anomalies:
- SM GPC GCIL Command – A review of the SM command anomalies has determined that the command words associated with the S-band/Ku-band automatic handovers and the Payload Signal Processor automatic port moding are not being successfully processed by the GCIL. The team has determined that only these commands are affected. This issue will have minimal mission impact since the MCC will uplink the necessary S-band/Ku-band handover commands. Also, PSP port modes are not required for the remainder of the mission, but workarounds are available if required.
- OMS Crossfeed A Heater – After yesterday’s test, the affected heater on the A string is considered failed. The B crossfeed heater continues to operate nominally. A thermal analysis was performed assuming the next worst failure to the B crossfeed heater and demonstrates that the affected region will be well above SODB limits and therefore no mission impact even in that case.
- SRMS Elbow Camera Automatic Lighting Control – This anomaly was reviewed and will have no mission impact.
- MPS Helium Pneumatic pressure decay – During post launch data review, it has been determined that there was a larger than expected pressure decay in the MPS pneumatic tank during powered flight. This is not expected to pose any problem for the remainder of the flight.
Ascent Debris Review – Collection and review of the ascent, FD2 inspection and RPM data continues. The team reviewed the excellent imagery you acquired of the T0 LH2 area yesterday and believe the FRSI to be intact. Review of imagery taken from inside the Tail Service Mast has identified some ice build up at the T0 LH2 umbilical and it is believed the liberated debris was ice.