Status Report

NASA STS-123 Execute Package FD13

By SpaceRef Editor
March 23, 2008
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NASA STS-123 Execute Package FD13

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While you were sleeping… 2

The teams from both flight control rooms evacuated the building this morning from 06:10- 06:20 Houston time in order to witness the spectacle of a triple fly-by — ATV, Shuttle and Station (with two of you flying in VERY close formation). It didn’t disappoint. We picked you up as you came out of eclipse above Amarillo and followed you until you disappeared from view over the Yucatan peninsula. Nice flying!

Fifth and final round of EVA madness today pits your crew vs. MISSE, OBSS and Starboard SARJ for the trophy. Take ’em to the hoop.

SpaceRef staff editor.